Perfect (♥)

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a/n: five never jumps to the future in this

(third POV)

you were born on october 1, 1989 along with 42 other children who just showed up. you lived with your birth parents for the first few years of your life until your powers started to manifest. you had the ability to warp the reality of others meaning you could make people see or feel things that weren't actually real. at first it was small things like making it "rain" in the house or making a tiny spider crawling on your mothers hand. but soon the rain became storms and the tiny spider turned into one the size of the living room. so when you were 8 your parents decided they couldn't take it anymore and gave you away to none other than Reginald Hargreeves, the head of the infamous Umbrella Academy. this was 8 years ago.


dear old "dad" was always harsh on you. probably because you came into the academy late or maybe it was because whenever he pissed you off you would alter his reality to scare him a bit. you never got to train with the others because he said that he couldn't have you interfering with the other's training, so you often trained alone in an isolation box that he had created for you. it was dark and bland, no color and only a single light but you would always make it look like a beach. you loved the sound of the waves crashing and the cool breeze. but dad never approved for whatever reason. one day it's like you just snapped.

(y/n POV)

i have had enough of being alone and being excluded from this family. i wanted to train with the others, i just wanted to feel like i actually belonged somewhere for once in my life.

"let me train with the others today, pleaseeee" i begged dad but he didn't even look at me.

"number eight, you simply cannot do so. you will interf-"

i cut him off by making it seem like his mouth had been sewn shut. his eyes widened as he mumbled at me to cut it out.

"i hope you have fun not talking dear old dad" i say as i start to walk out of his office but he gives me a mumbled scream and holds up a piece of paper saying

you may train with your siblings today

i smiled and skipped out of his office and went to go see what the others were doing today.

"awe y/n what are you doing here? does dad know?" klaus said greeting me as soon as i walked in. he was so kind to me and always wanted me to prank the rest of the academy with my powers and of course i never opposed.

"oh yea he said that i could train with you guys today." i say with a big smile on my face. i look at five, he was always my favorite of the bunch. he seemed like such a hardass but whenever we are alone he is just a big softie. but he looks almost annoyed that i am here.

"so five what should we start with?"

"we should start by waiting until hargreeves gets down here to start training eight." he says firmly.

eight? five never called me by my number, ever. it took me back a bit, why was he being like this? i mean i get he takes training seriously but the old man isn't even here yet he could loosen up just a little.

soon the old man finally shows up after i'm assuming gathering himself up again from what i did to him. he stares at me extra long and narrows his eyes, i didn't care i was just happy to be included with the others for once.

"alright children, we are going to start with number eight today as she is new and this will determine future training sessions."

he motioned me to stand next to him and i did so waiting for him to tell me what to do next.

"number eight will start off by making it rain inside of the academy." dad said as he looked at the others and tapped my shoulder signaling for me to begin.

it was hard for me to alter more than one person's reality, let alone 7. and let me tell you making scary and negative things happen took a lot more effort than creating a happier reality.

i saw five feel his face as if a rain drop had hit him and soon the others started to react in the same way. i was impressed with myself and i got cocky. dad said something to me but i tuned him out until i heard him scream,

"eight you are pathetic. i told you to add simple wind and you cannot even do that. you are utterly useless."

i felt tears start to welt in my eyes not from sadness but from anger. his words had never cut me so deep before and it enraged me.

"i will show you pathetic old man" i say as the rain stopped and i now focus on hargreeves making sure that the others cannot see what i am going to do to him.

"y/n stop!" i hear five say but i ignore him.

he walks closer and places his hand on my shoulder and turns me to face him.

"don't listen to him y/n, okay? you are perfect just the way you are. you are extraordinary. " five's says trying to reassure me but my focus is still locked on my "father", i had his up against the wall and his face was beginning to turn purple.

i was about to kill him when five grabbed both my shoulders and turned me around to face him and planted his lips on to mine which caused the old man to fall to the ground and regain his breath.

five cupped my face and kissed me softly as i melted into his actions. in that moment i felt loved by someone and never wanted that feeling to go away.

five glared at Reginald and said, "don't you ever hurt her like that again or next time i won't stop her."

i felt a smile grow on my face as five threatened him, it showed me that he truly did care about me in his own special way.

he grabbed my hand and warped us both into his room. he looked at me with his soft forest green eyes. his face was tinted slightly pink and a smile formed on his face revealing his cute little dimples.

"thank you five." i say looking back down at my feet not  knowing what else to say to him. he stepped closer to me and lifted my chin up with his pointer finger forcing me to make eye contact with him.

"i care about you y/n, like i've never cared about anyone else before and it scares me." he says quietly.

i lean in a kiss him lightly. he kisses back and places his hands on my waist while i rest my arms on his shoulders. he let his guard down for me and it felt so good to see this sensitive side of him, it made him more human.

we pull away and i rest my forehead on his. we both smile and i see his dimples return to his face.

i poke his cheek where the dimples formed and said, "cute". i could feel his face start to heat up

"shut up" he says playfully back.

"you should get some rest y/n. i'll sleep in the chair." five says as he walks away to the chair in the corner of his room. before he could get too far i grabbed his wrist.

"no. please don't sleep in the chair." i say not wanted to say the words sleep with me but implying that's what i wanted him to do.

he smiled and crawled into the bed and i soon followed. he held onto my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"goodnight five"

"goodnight. i love you."

i love you? he's never said that before...

"i- i love you too five"

a/n: lil fluff action going on to cleanse you sinners ;) also thank you SO FREAKIN MUCH FOR 27K READS WTF THATS CRAZY. i love you guys. sorry i haven't written any new smut i have had horrible writers block but i promise i will try to be more consistent. also if you haven't already go check out my aidan book that i'm working on it would mean a lot to me:) okay ily guys muah <3

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