good time (+)

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you & five are 16 in this
Five Hargreeves, the kid you had loved to hate and also hated to love.

you we're always over at the Hargreeves house because klaus was your best friend, which meant you always had to put up with his siblings, including five.

today was like any other day, you made your way to the Hargreeves house but when you got there you noticed five sitting outside. before you could say anything to him he jumped away to who knows where.

you walked in and went over and sat on the couch in the living room. the house was unusually quiet, like the only person here was yourself.

you started to think about five, how you felt towards him. i mean who couldn't want him, he was perfect. from his deep brown hair to his forest green eyes to his jawline that was sharp as a knife. he was just the perfect mix of rough and soft. he was everything you ever wanted. but it was wrong to want him, he was your best friend's brother, it was wrong.

like five had heard your thoughts, that all too familiar whoosh ringed and there he was standing at the bar in front of you.

"uh hey five" you said trying to be friendly

he turned around startled, "y/n what the fuck! you scared the hell out of me"

"sorry didn't mean to" you said softly getting up from the couch and making your way over to the bar.

you sat down next to five, he seemed on the verge of being drunk, one more and he would probably be gone.

"is everything okay? where is everyone?" you asked five.

"yep everything is peachy y/n. they all went on some family vacation and decided to leave me." five said as he poured himself another glass of whiskey.

"oh shit i'm sorry five"

"don't be i didn't want to go anyway"

the two of you sat in silence for a bit. it wasn't awkward but it definitely didn't feel relaxed. you looked at five up and down. his hair was just a bit messy and his eyes were bright green and his cheeks were flushed red. he looked so good but of course you couldn't say anything.

then breaking the silence five asked, "are you a virgin y/n?"

your face went hot and you looked down at your lap.

"n-no of course i'm not a virgin, are you?"

he laughed, "you really think i'm a virgin y/n?"

the teasing was sexy, you knew that you wanted him, needed him.

"well okay mr not virgin, what are you into hm?"

"i think the better question is, what are you into y/n?" he said as he leaned in and whispered into your ear, dragging his bottom lip against your skin making you shiver.

"there is well one thing, but you'd laugh." you said shyly

he smirked at your reaction and said, "well, we won't know unless you tell me?"

"i'm into um"

"spit it out y/n"

"i'm into thigh riding" you said as your cheeks turned hot and red. you only moved your eyes up, keeping your head down to look at five's thighs. you got even redder and looked back down.

"oh? that's really cute y/n. so innocent, yet dirty." five smirked.

he placed one finger under your chin and lifted your head up to have his eyes meet with yours. he grabbed your hand and in a blink you were in five's room.

he sat down on the bed while you stood standing in front of him, "would you like to ride my thigh baby?"

your eyes went wide and you nodded your head in agreement. you stepped closer to him but before you could get on him he stopped you.

"what your wearing is cute, but it's not gonna cut it. i want you in just my blazer and your panties."

you turned around and opened five's closest and picked out one of his shirts. you slipped off your top and threw it in the chair in the corner of five's room. you took his shirt and put it on the took off your bra underneath. then you slipped out of the legging you were wearing revealing your little black underwear.

you walked back over to five and placed you hands on both his shoulders.

"is this better?" you say innocently, batting your eyes.

"it's perfect, now come take a seat on my lap hm."

you obeyed and put one leg on each side of five's thigh. he pushed up his leg on to you causing you to whimper a bit.

"aw y/n you want this, i know you do, so come on baby, ride me."

you began to move your hips slowly back and forth on him, the friction created pleasure and you threw your head into the crook of five's neck to stop from moaning.

he placed his hands on your hips moving them up and down from your hips to your ass, guiding you to go faster.

"i want you to cum on me baby." five whispered into your ear then began to nibble on your ear.

his words sent chills down your spine and caused you to pick up your pace. five began to kiss your neck and occasionally sucking it to soon leave hickeys.
he drove you crazy in the best way possible.

"ah fuck f-five i'm- so close uhhh"

he grinned and grabbed your hair and pulled you back to look at him, "i wanna see the look on your face when you cum."

he wraps his hand around your neck and you continue to rub up against his thigh, the knot in your stomach becomes tighter and tighter. your movements become sloppy as you come closer and closer to your high.

five holds your chin tightly forcing you to keep eye contact with him. you finally let the knot inside you snap and you cum all over five's leg. he watches as your eyes roll to the back of your head and you let out a long and heavy breath.

you feel your juices run down your leg and on to his.

"good girl y/n" five smirked and carefully took you off his thigh and laid you on your back on the bed.

"but now it's my turn to show you what i'm into"

hi whores. don't expect regular updates this was for emma lmao sunsvct hope you liked it you dirty whore👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

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