Hands (+)

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lil an before we begin. all the italics are your thoughts.
warning: smut

Five was busy, as always, working on a way to stop the apocalypse. Which yes it was important work but he often ignored you while doing so. He always said that you distracted him even just by being in the same room as him.

But today he was extra focused and was coming up on a lead so he didn't even notice you lying on his bed in nothing but one of his blazers. You just watched as he drew crazy symbols and numbers on the wall.

His hands. They looks so strong wow i wish he would ch-

"AH-HA!!" screamed Five throwing his hands in the air which caused a pause in your thoughts.

"I finally figured it out. I just have to kill this man and the world will be saved." Five looked so proud of himself, he realized you were on his bed and gave you a strange look.

"Y/n? How long have you- you know what it doesn't matter. I just figured out how to save the world."

He threw his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest making himself look bigger. All you could focus on was his hands

Look at them. They are so veiny and... hot. I want those hands on every inch of my body.

"Y/n?Five asked waving his hand in front of your face causing you to snap out of the trance you were in.

"Hmm, uh yes?" you responded hesitantly not knowing if Five knew what you were fantasizing about.

"Are you okay? You seemed a bit... off."

"Me? Yea no i'm totally fine"

He cups your face and kisses you softly. You start to run your fingers through is raven colored hair and sit on his lap on the edge of his bed.

His hands start to move up your thighs slowly. This drives you crazy. Just a moment ago you were dreaming about his hands being all over you & now they actually were. Your mind was focused on the movement of his hands on the top of your thighs.

You thought about how good his long and slender fingers would feel inside of you.

You pushed Five back on the bed so that he is now on his back and you continue to roll your hips in a circular motion on his hips, feeling him get hard underneath you with every movement.

His hands glide up your body sending chills down your spine until he reaches your hips. He grabs onto you tightly with both hands, guiding you on him to help get the most pleasure he possibly could.

"Fuck y/n you are so wet" five says as his shorts begin to get soaked by your juices. He flips you over so that he is now on top of you then starts to unbutton the blazer you had on slowly, revealing that you had nothing else on under it.

"God damn baby you are so beautiful" five says as he admires your bare chest. He starts to place wet kisses on your neck moving down towards your collarbone. He finds your sweet spot and begins to suck leaving hickeys all over your neck. He trails down to your breasts and begins to suck. You let out a soft moan as he does so.

He then trails more wet kisses down your body, his hands not leaving your hips, until he reaches the top of your dainty black lace underwear.

"Yea these are in my way sooo they have to go" five says as he begins to take them off with his teeth not breaking eye contact with you then throws them over his shoulder.

He begins to rub your sensitive clit making to let out soft moans & throw your head back into the bed. he then places his mouth on your clit and starts to flick his tongue. You tug at his hair forcing him deeper in you.

He adds in 2 of his long and slender fingers inside of you. He started to pump them in and out quickly and deep, making sure to curl his fingers every time. This drove you over the edge.

"ahhh holy shit five i'm about to-"

"do it princess"

you cum on his face and he licks up every last drop of your juices then makes his way back up to your face and places a soft kiss on your lips knowing that he was about to be unforgiving.

He slides off his boxers revealing his long and hard member. Your eyes widen at the sight. He leans in right next to your ear and says,

"be a good girl for daddy and do as i say, or you will regret it"

He wraps his large and strong hand around your neck then slams himself into you. You let out a loud moan which causes Five to tighten his grip around your neck.

"shhh we wouldn't want anyone to know how much of a slut you are for daddy now would we?"

you shake your head no.

"that's a good girl"

Five continues to thrust himself into you going faster and harder every time.

"fuck five i'm about to cum again" you say as you start to feel the knot in your stomach get tighter and tighter, but he doesn't slow down. he tightens his grip around your neck which instantly made you cum.

"tsk tsk i wasn't finished yet" five said as you looked at you with lust filled in his dark green eyes. He pulls out and pushes you to your knees.


you grab his hand and start sucking on his pointer and middle finger, making eye contact with five the entire time. you could still taste yourself on his fingers.

mhm i wish his fingers were still fucking me

"that's not what i meant" he says clearly sexually frustrated.

he pushes your head down so you are now eye level with his large member. you tease him a bit by swirling your tongue just around his tip.

"teasing isn't very nice y/n"

he grabs your hair into a ponytail and shoves your head down on his length causing you to choke a little.

His hands grab your hair tightly.

yes daddy pull my hair with those strong hands ahh

you start to bob your head up and down taking in as much of his length as you could each time. you let out soft moans that vibrate his dick. he throws his head back and bucks his hips.

"fuck y/n you are so good holy shit"

his member begins to twitch in your mouth indicating that he is about to cum. you pick up your pace and he soon cums in your mouth.


you look five in the eyes and swallow the liquid he had left in your mouth. you swipe your bottom lip with your thumb then lick your thumb clean.

"you are so fucking hot"

"you're not too bad yourself" you give a flirty wink to five.

you get back on the bed and five spoons you.

"i really do love you y/n"

"i love you too old man"

"hey!" five says as he throws a pillow at you.

you both drift off to sleep feeling safe in eachothers arms.

whew that was a long one haha i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did oop. THANK YOU SM FOR 1K READS ALREADY AHH! it means a lot that you guys are enjoying my shitty writing lmao. ♥️

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