Tease (+)

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Warning: smut ;)

that was the sound of the dinner alarm and honestly you couldn't be any happier, you were starving.

as you are walking down the steps to get to the dining table you pass five. messy hair and soft green eyes, he always looked so good.

he looked you up and down then winked at you before time jumping straight to the table. this made your heart race, wondering what he meant & more importantly what was he up to?

eventually everyone is at the table. five is sitting next to you on the right with klaus on your left. grace brings out all the food she had made and set it on the table.

everyone began to eat then you feel five touch the outer part of your thigh. his fingers warm and soft, grazing your leg slowly moving in towards you. he squeezed your inner thigh causing you to choke on the food you had in your mouth.

"are you okay Y/N? " said klaus worried that he might have to do the heimlich.

"hmm uh yeah i'm okay, it just uh, went down the wrong way i guess" you respond trying to not look at five while doing so.

five smirks knowing the effect he had on you. his hand still on your inner thigh he begins to massage your sensitive skin making you want to moan. you keep your lips sealed and try to focus on eating.

allison is making small talk with everyone of course you are too distracted by five to make out what she is saying. all you knew is that-

"how about you Y/N?" allison said cutting off your thoughts.

you just nod and hope that is enough to get her to stop talking to you. thank god it was.

you go back to focusing on fives stern grip he had on your inner thigh. he looks at you for a moment, another wink along with a cheeky smile, and then brings his focus back to his plate.

his hand slowly starts to move up your skirt when he finally reached your panties.

you see him smirk while still looking at his plate

cheeky bastard

he starts to rub on your clothed women hood, slowly. you squeeze the fork in your hand to help control the moans that so badly wanted to be released.

he then pulls your panties to the side and slowly slips one finger inside of you with one hand, and with the other he is eating like nothing is going on.

you grab the edge of your chair and fight the urge to scream out his name and bite your lip to help conceal your moans.

five saw this and he inserted another finger inside of you and began pumping them in and out slowly. even though five's pace was slow he thrusted his fingers inside you hard every time, curling them to try and make you cum faster.

this drove you mad. now you craved him more than the food on your plate. you were no longer hungry for food, you were starving for five.

he continued to finger you under the table. one by one his siblings left until it was only you two.

at this point you couldn't handle it anymore.

you grab his wrist causing him to remove his fingers from you and you suck them clean while staring into five's eyes

"fuck that's hot Y/N." said five

he then grabs your face and smashes his lips into yours. the kiss was passionate and deep. he time jumped you both to his room then threw you on the bed.

he got up, locked the door, then came back hovering over you. he kisses you slipping his tongue in and exploring your mouth. he trails the kiss down to your neck and to your ear.

"the things i want to do to you." he says as he looks you up and down with lust filled in his eyes.

"you're mine Y/N"

an: i got this idea from someone but i cannot for the life of me remember who so if you know tell me & i'll credit them. anywho if you want a pt2 leave a comment and i'll will do it. also thank you sm for 1k reads that's insane to me ily guys <3

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