Please Stay

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warning: contains mentions of suicide! these things are very serious and in no way am i romanticizing them i am simply using them for plot.
also all flashbacks are in third pov


I am going to do it. Why shouldn't I? I have nothing left but the curse that i was born with. the curse that killed my parents.


"please just leave me alone" you screamed at your parents with your hands beginning to heat up. your powers were becoming uncontrollable and the added emotions didn't help.

"y/n we just want to help you. please just let us help" your mother said softly not wanting to upset you any further. she put her hand on your shoulder but jerked it right back as your whole body was hot to the touch.

your powers had always scared your parents mostly because no one, not even yourself, understood them. you always felt unwanted because you just showed up one day, you were never part of their plan.

just thinking about that enraged you. your eyes began to glow a reddish orange color as small flames began to form in your hands.

your parents eyes widened in shock. it had never gotten this bad before. normally your body would just heat up but eventually you would just cool down. you could tell you were scaring them.

"honey everything will be okay, you just need to calm down and talk to us" your dad said trying not to get too close to you as you were now radiating heat.

"clam down? don't act like you care about me! neither of you even wanted a child let alone one with powers! you never cared!" you exclaimed as your hair started to turn a fiery orange.

"that's not true y/n! we love you!" your mother said with tears welting in her eyes.

you had no remorse. you thought of them as liars. without thinking you slammed both of your hands palm down on the floor causing the room to burst into flames. soon the whole house along with your parents were ash. you start too cool down and realize what you had done

"no no no no no... this can't be real. i didn't mean to kill them. i love them. why did i do this?" tears start to roll down your face as you kneel in the ashes of your house.

this was a week ago. and you still had so much regret.

flashback over

i had nothing left. i am completely numb. i ran out of tears to cry for my parents and what i had done to them. i missed them so much i couldn't breathe. i decided it was time to end it all and join my parents. and nothing and no one was going to stop me.


i walked in the elevator and pushed the button to the 21 floor. the roof. this was it. my last few moments on this dreadful earth with these horrible powers.


the doors opened on the 2nd floor and a raven haired boy walked in and pushed the button for the 20th floor. he was a handsome young man, dark hair, forest green eyes, and a killer jawline. if only we had met before everything had happened, maybe i would have grown fond of him.

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