Sucker (+)

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you were bored out of your mind watching and waiting while five tended to apocalypse matters. if the world was actually going to end in a few days all you wanted was to spend some quality time with your boyfriend but no he had a stick up his ass about working all the damn time.

today was like any other boring day at the academy, you sat in fives room and tried to entertain yourself while five did apocalypse shit. you got tired of sitting there and phased through the floor to reach the kitchen downstairs. (a/n: yes y/n has the power to phase through objects basically she can go through shit haha) you walked around a bit to see what you could snack on and a jar of suckers caught your eye. you had a clever thought in your head that you could use with these. you grabbed your favorite flavor of sucker and phased back upstairs into five's room.

you sat back on his bed and carefully unwrapped the sucker so that five would notice what you had, but he didn't break is gaze with the wall in front of him. you threw the wrapper in the garbage can beside his bed and began to suck on your sucker loudly in hopes of getting five's attention. he stopped writing on the wall and slowly turned around to face you. he clearly looked frustrated.

"what the fuck are you doing y/n?" he asked in a firm tone.

you make eye contact with him and suck the lollipop in your mouth and pull it out making a pop noise.

"eating a sucker duh." you say blankly trying to play dumb.

while keeping the eye contact you continue to pop the sucker in and out of your mouth. you suck on the lollipop harder and faster making sure to look at five the whole time. you let your mouth open and swirled your tongue on the top of the sucker and licking all around it.

"stop that." five demands stopping you from your previous actions.

"what ever do you mean?" you say grinning and batting your eyelashes trying to play innocent.

"you know exactly what you are doing y/n, don't." five says shifting his feet and you start to see the tent in his pants begin to grow. you smirk at the sight.

"i'm afraid i really don't know what you mean mr. hargreeves." you say knowing that you have won.

five spacial jumps right in front of the bed causing you to sit up on your knees and make eye contact with him. jesus he was so hot when he was angry.

he grabs your face and pulls you into a deep and sensual kiss. your hands get lost in his dark hair and you tug a bit earning a slight groan from him. he pushed you back on the bed and hovered over you.

"you think you won the little game you were playing huh? well daddy is about to show you whose in charge." five says while staring in your eyes. he leans down and starts to kiss the sensitive skin on your neck and sucked leaving hickeys. you let of soft moans at his touch. he managed to get his hands underneath your shirt, his cold fingers tips stroking your hips up and down causing your body to shiver.

"look at you, such a sensitive baby." five says smirking. he lifts your shirt up and off your body leaving you in shorts and a bra. he placed soft wet kisses on your breasts and you moaned quietly as he did so. he then snaked his hands around your back to reach you bra clip and unhooked it with one hand. you tug at the bottom of his shirt wanting for him to take it off. he laughed and did as you wished. his toned stomach showed and the sight made you blush.

"you like what you see love?" five asked with a cocky smile. you nod yes and bring your hands up to his body and start to caress his toned stomach. you wanted him so badly you could hardly wait. you trailed your hands all the way from him jaw down to the top of his shorts and began to unbutton them. your eyes wide and cheeks pick, five loved the sight of you begging for him. he pulled down the rest of his pants and started to grind again your clothed heat. the friction drove you mad, five was such a tease.

you went down to try and remove your shorts but five smacked your hand away and said, "not yet princess."

you couldn't handle it, you needed his touch, you needed him inside you so you tried again five slapped your hand harder and wrapped his hand around your neck.

"not yet you needy slut. you just want to be used by me so bad don't you baby."

"mhmm" you say and nod trying hard to keep your cool.

five slips off his boxers along with your shorts. he smirks knowing how desperate you are to feel him. he rubs your sensitive clit through your panties which makes you throw your head back and let out a soft but breathy moan. he continues to rub circles on your clothed clit and you feel like you are already about to cum when suddenly he stops.

"fiveeeee i was so close" you whine.

"i know baby but you can't cum just yet"

he slips off your panties slowly. you feel the cold air hit your soaking heat and you gasp at the feeling. five lines himself up with your dripping core.

"you ready love?" five asks

"yes five please just fuck me already." you say tired of waiting.

he slides into painfully slow. your mouth hangs open, feeling him inside you finally after all his teasing he felt so good.

"ah fuck you are so tight baby" five says as he begins thrusting in and out deep and he started to pick up speed.

the room was soon consumed with the sounds of the two of you moaning and your skin slapping together. you were getting so close to you climax but you could tell five wasn't.

"mhmmm fuck five im gonna cum"

"not yet baby just hold it in a little longer"

"daddy i cant"

he wraps his hand around your throat which to both of your surprise made you cum instantly.

"tsk tsk, little slut cant even listen to a simple instruction. you'll have to be punished doll." he says wasting no time he pulls out and pushes to to your knees so that you are now eye level with his dick.

"suck me off like you were with that sucker love." he says smirking and grabs a fist full of your hair. you start to swirl your tongue just around the tip making him buck his hips forward and let out small moans of frustration and pleasure.

"take it all love" he moans as he pushes your head further down on his length. you choked a bit but you kept going sucking pretending like he was the sweet lollipop you had earlier. your moans helped him reach his climax quicker as they vibrated his member. he started to mouth fuck you basically and soon you felt his member begin to twitch and he soon came in your mouth. without being told you looked five in the eyes and swallowed the salty liquid he had left in your mouth.

"that was so fucking hot y/n. daddy didn't even tell you to. good girl." he strokes your head and whines for you to get back on the bed.

you both get under the covers and you lay on his chest hearing his beautiful heart beat. and soon you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the love of your life.

a/n: heyy guys i hope you liked this. it was inspired but a thing i saw on twitter so oop. btw thank you for 8K READS WTF THATS AMAZING. ily sinners😚

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