Phone Sex (+)

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bold is five
normal is y/n


incoming call from Five♥️
[answer / decline]

hey five what's up?

nothing much just bored at the academy all alone.

siblings on a mission again?

yea haha. soo y/n, what are you doing?

nothing just watching netflix, why?

get up and go lock your door love.

uhm okayyy. five what's this all about?

is it locked?

yes sir.

good. that's a good little girl. now what are you wearing?

mhmm i am wearing your sweatshirt and panties anddd that's all

y/n you naughty little slut. how about we take those panties off hm?

hmm okay daddy they are off what now?

perfect doll. now play with yourself like daddy would. put your pretty little fingers down to your soaking core for me okay?

o-okay daddy i-i will try.

move you cute finger tips around your throbbing clit for me okay love? don't stop unless i tell you to.

mhmmm daddy ahh i'm- i'm so close

tsk tsk not yet baby go slower go nice and slow. tease yourself how daddy would.

ahhh daddy please let me cum mhmmm pleaseeee

only good sluts get to cum and you haven't ben a very good slut now have you y/n? do what i say love or next time i see you i will fuck you until your legs don't work.

mhm fuck i just want to cum please let me daddy i'm- ahhhh mmm

don't cum just yet love, i promise you will soon. just keep playing with your pretty little clit for daddy okay? keep letting out those pretty little moans of your out of your dirty mouth.

daddy i'm sick of this let me cum already fuuuckk

excuse me? are you catching an attitude with me?

shit... daddy i'm- yes i am

bend over. now. begin to spank yourself slut.

slap ahhh slap mhmm slap daddyyy

harder, i want it bright red.

slap mmm slap slap fuckkk slap ahhh slap mhmmm

that's enough. now, what's my name?


haha that's a good girl now get on your back and let's finish what we started, sound good love?

yes daddy...


a/n: this is different and sorry it's so short but lmk if you liked this style and i will do it more bc these are easier and faster to write than like a concept smut. also this was inspired by a nsfw tweet. thank you sm for 20k reads wtf that's insane thank you sinners

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