Suit & Tie (✰)

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an: kait gave me this idea on one of her edits, so thank her for this lmao
warning: things get... heated

(Y/N pov)

I was extremely nervous for tonight. Five and I had been dating for a while but it was our first time going out and flaunting being a couple. It was also new year's eve which added to the nerves.

The Hargreeves were throwing a huge party at the academy and everyone was gonna be there. i had gone shopping earlier that day and picked out a dress that i knew five would like because you know, why not?

 i had gone shopping earlier that day and picked out a dress that i knew five would like because you know, why not?

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i started to get ready, i did my makeup, my hair, then put my dress and shoes on. i was still extremely nervous then i hear that familiar sound of five warping into my room.

he looks so good holy shit. his hair was all done and swooped to one side, he was wearing a classic black suit with a white blazer underneath with a black tie. fuck he looked hot. i looked him up and down and he did the same to me.

"damn y/n, you look good" five says as a smirk starts to grow on his face.

"i could say the same about you mr. hargreeves." i say winking at him and stepping closer to him.

he leans in as if he was about to kiss me but whisperers in my ear,

"let's get to the party but we will get back to this later." he pulls back and has that stupid cheeky smirk plastered on his face. i can feel myself start to blush and my face get hot.

he interlocked our hands and warped us both straight to the party. it was loud, very loud. there were so many people dancing and talking, i even saw a few making out on the walls. five takes me out on the dance floor and we both start dancing. five wraps his hands around my waist guiding me along the music with him.

"i'm going to go get a drink do you want anything?" he asks, kind of screaming because of how loud the music was.

"no i'm good, i'll stay here." i yell back.

and just like that he was gone in a flash of blue.

(Five's POV)

i went to go get a drink from the bar, i needed to loosen up even though y/n had gotten me pretty loose already. i just needed some liquid courage to keep me going.

"just a shot of vodka please" i tell the bartender.

"i've got his!" a female voice says, i don't recognize who it is.

"oh thanks."

"you can thank me in a different way if you'd like"

she winks at me and i can feel my face start to get red. she definitely wasn't my type because my type was y/n, not this sleezy girl.

"uh no thank you i have a girlfriend" i say as i try to push her off of me but she's like a leach.

"wellllll i don't see her anywhere around here. we don't have to tell her" she says as she caresses the side of my face with her hand.

"hey why don't you get your grimy hands off my boyfriend" i hear y/n say, oh shit. she's pissed.

(third POV)

you see five at the bar and some slut has her hands all over him. you can tell he is clearly uncomfortable and is trying to get away from her but she's just clinging on to him. you were absolutely pissed.

"hey why don't you get your grimy hands off my boyfriend" you say spitting on her as you speak.

"your boyfriend? yea right like he would ever go after someone like you. i mean, look at him, then look at you." she laughs. both you and five are unamused. you walk over closer to the two and push her off of five.

"what the hell you bitch?!" she exclaimed.

you ignore her and turn to five.

"oh baby are you okay?" as you ask him to grab is tie and straighten it out and fix it. you could tell five was looking at you with lust in his eyes. you look up as he is looking down at you and see how just by you touching his tie he's turned on.

"i'm okay now that you're here. but i do have another problem that needs fixing and i could really use your help." five says as he looks down. you look down as well and see the tent start to grow in his pants.

"oh? what could i possibly do to help that?" you say innocently batting your eyes pretending like you didn't know what five was hinting at.

"fuck y/n you really put me in a tight situation here." he says seductively.

"you know what else is tight?" you say smirking.

that drove him over the edge. he rolls his eyes and grabs your wrist and warps you both into his room. he throws you on the bed and locks the door.

"you are so beautiful y/n but you are about to be a sweating and moaning mess." he licks his lips and gets on top of you on the bed and kisses you. the kiss is deep and passionate and soon became needy.

he breaks the kiss and starts to suck on your neck that will soon leave dark hickeys all over your neck. your hands are lost in his dark raven hair as he starts to feel up and down your body.

he then slides up your dress giving him easier access to your woman hood. he kisses your inner thighs and sucks a bit leaving light hickeys. then you feel his breath on your clothed heat.

"hey is this the bath- WOAH HEY HOLY SHIT!" some random drunk guy comes barging in the room the leaves almost immediately.

"five i thought you locked the door!"

"i thought i did too!"

"klaus" you both sat in unison.

an: thank you sm for 2k reads it means a lot that you guys are enjoying my shitty writing haha. btw i'm no longer doing a new chapter every 150 reads because i can't keep up with it lmao. so i'll post when i can. ily guys.

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