Drunk (• & ♥)

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this one kinda has a bit of fluff but five also try's to get a lil freaky so it's a good mix haha


(y/n POV)

it was late and i couldn't sleep. i haven't been able to sleep since five told me about the apocalypse, it scared me more that anything to loose him. i had faith that he would save us but i still had a small voice in the back of my head saying that the whole world was going to end.

i decided i couldn't take the silence anymore all by myself in my room. i made my way down stairs and reached the bar. i always told five not to drink because it wasn't good for him but now it seemed like the only way to get the appending doom of the apocalypse out of me head was to drink it away. i grabbed the bottle of vodka out of the cabinet and grabbed a glass.

before i knew it i was very tipsy. no i was definitely drunk. not messy drunk but drunk enough to where i no longer had a filter and my words slurred together.

i heard a faint whoosh coming from near the door, i knew five would be pissed to see me like this especially because i'm always nagging him to stop drinking but i honestly didn't care.

to my surprise i see five walk in the room with messy hair and his eyes seem almost glazed over and i could smell the alcohol on him from over here.

that little shit was out getting drunk.

"y-y/n what a-are you doing?" five said trying not to slur his words together too much.

"what does it look like five? getting drunk. same as you i presume." i say slightly sarcastic.

he gave a light chuckle and walked towards the bar and took a seat right next to me. i could feel his eyes on me. i turn my head to make eye contact with him and i feel my heart start to race. even when he was drunk he was so... beautiful. his hair was perfectly messy and soft, his eyes were bright green even though they were a bit sunken from the alcohol. his face was slightly pink and the shadows helped highlight his strong jaw. he was absolutely perfect.

"y/n... you're staring love." five says and starts to smirk.

"sorry i just can't help it. you are just so nice to look at." i said as i started to feel my face flush pink. i had always had feelings for five but he was so cold and reserved that i never knew if he had any for me.

"i am also nice to feel..." he says as he gently placed his hand on my thigh. his hands are a bit cold but not uncomfortably cold. i look down at his hand then make eye contact with him once again. this time his eyes aren't soft like they were before, they were now filled with desire and lust. i realized that him being all alone in the post apocalyptic world probably made him touch starved.

"five i- i... i uh i like you. like a lot and i just wanted you to know before the world ends and i'm sorry for drinking and i'm sorry for bugging you about drinking it's just that i care so much abo-"

five cut me off by smashing his lips into mine. he tasted like liquor but i didn't mind. his lips were soft and moved with mine with a sync. he pulled away biting my bottom lip and letting it snap back into place.

"i like you too y/n but you talk too much." five whispers and smirks at me.

five pulls me back in for another kiss this one is deeper and more passionate. he grabs me and sets me down on his lap and i start moving back and forth oh his hips earning a groan from him.

"i want you love." five whispers into my ear as i am still grinding on him. his voice was husky and sexy. i could feel my panties get wet and then i felt a wave of sadness come over me.

"i want you too five but i just, i can't right now." i say getting off him and i feel a single tear fall into my lap. i move to go sit on the couch and five follows and sits down next to me putting his arm around my shoulders and bringing me closer to him.

"what's wrong love? did i do something?"

"no no no five you didn't do anything wrong, it's just that i think i'm in love with you. and with the world ending in less than a week i'm so scared to loose you." i admit. yes i was drunk but that doesn't mean that i didn't mean what i said, i just would never have the courage to say it sober so drunk me jumped on that opportunity to tell five.

i felt his grip on me tighten as he brought me in closer to him. he felt like home.

"y/n i swear to you that i will figure out how to stop it. i would never let anything happen to you. i love you." five says as he strokes my hair which helped calmed me down.

i sit up to look at five and he has tears in the brims of his eyes. i had never seen five cry before, he always seemed so put together and well composed but he had real emotions. i lifted my hand up and wiped the tear that had started down his cheek with my thumb.

"i believe in you five. sorry i got drunk by the way i just i don't even know."

"i'm sorry too. no more drinking for either of us, at least until we save the world together."


he hugs me tight and warps us to his room and into his bed. he lays me down and tucks me in and then turns the lights off. he crawls under the covers and brings me into his chest, resting his chin on my head. i could hear his heart beating, it was such a beautiful sound, it was the sound of the love of my love living and breathing. he runs his fingers through my messy hair which causes me to relax even more.

"i love you so much y/n"

"i love you too five. goodnight"

"goodnight my love."


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