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this was requested by a few people who wanted a jealous five smut. here ya go sinners ;)

"y/n come on let's go before i change my mind!" five says annoying with you because you were supposed to be at the mall a hour ago but you still weren't ready yet.

"okay okay i'm coming. " you say.

you come out wearing a short plaid skirt with just a plain skin tight white shirt (picture above)

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you come out wearing a short plaid skirt with just a plain skin tight white shirt (picture above). five looks you up and down eyeing what you had on.

"what?" you say confused as to what five is thinking.

"where are you going looking like that?" five said putting the emphasis on the word that, and taking a step forward getting closer to you.

your breath hitches as five was standing inches away from you. you back up trying to create more space between the two of you but five continues to move forward as you move back. soon your back hits the wall and five puts his arm up trapping you.

"i asked you a question y/n." five said with a stern tone in his voice, his eyes staring straight into your soul.

"i uh- i can wear what i want five." you say with a shaky voice trying not to give into five.

"you really think so? you think that it's okay for other people to see what is mine?" five looks at you up and down and licks his lips. you feel his warm finger tips start to caress your outer thigh. you bit your lip trying to hold back the soft moans that you wanted to release. five. noticed this and moved his hand inward and started to rub circles with his fingers on you inner thigh.

"nothing to say now? too late to be silent baby, you've already gotten yourself in trouble."

"f-five you don't own me." you say, instantly regretting it. five's eyes dart at you and he shakes his head in disagreement. he then grips your neck and whispers in your ear,

"i own you y/n. you are mine. no one else can see what belongs to me."

before you could say anything back he teleports you both to his bed and immediately rips your skirt off and strips you of your shirt, leaving you in just you undergarments.

"you are a naughty little girl y/n. first you come out dressed like that and then you talk back. you have to be punished." your eyes widen as the words left five's mouth but you had to admit, you were turned on by his possessiveness.

you decided to tease him a bit and see what he was actually capable of.

"but daddy i just wanted to look good for you." you say with puppy dog eyes, knowing that calling him daddy would make him go crazy.

"oh baby, but you wouldn't want people to know how much of a little slut you are for daddy now would you?" he says smirking.

"oh but daddy i do want people to know. i'm your slut and i want people to know." you say as your face starts to heat up and you wink at him.

"well in that case," five says then lowers down to you and whispers in your ear, "scream my name while i fuck the shit outta you princess."

you grab his face and bring him in for a rough and passionate kiss. he pulls away and starts kissing your neck and occasionally sucking on the sensitive skin leaving hickeys, marking you as his.

he trails kisses down your whole body and then snakes his hand to your back and unclips your bra.

"you are so beautiful y/n i swear." five says as he looks down at you admiring your bare chest. you tug at the bottom of his shirt signaling for his to take it off and he does so and then slips off his shorts leaving his just in his boxers.

you begin to palm him through his boxers which causes him to throw his head back and let out a few soft moans.

"ahh fuck baby you are so good and i'm not even inside you yet." he moans out.

"five please fuck me" you say almost begging him.

"you asked for it princess, don't forget you are still in trouble." he says before ripping your panties off and sliding off his boxers. he slams himself into you giving you no time to adjust to his size, starts thrusting in and out of you fast and hard.

"holy fuck five im already about to cum" you say practically screaming.

"tsk tsk not yet babygirl." he says still pounding into you.

you cum but five doesn't stop, he isn't done yet. he flips you over so that your face was now on the bed and starts hitting you from the back.

"scream my name you little slut. say it for daddy." five says as he slaps your ass and thrusts in deep and hard.

"MHMM FIVE" you scream.

"no you slut, my name." you slaps your ass again.

"AHH FUCK DADDY" you scream out so loud you are pretty sure the neighbors could hear.

five soon cums and you come with him for the 2nd time. you both roll over so that you are laying next to one another on the bed. all you could hear was both of your heaving breathing and your heat racing, you could feel the sweat on your skin and the room smelt of sex.

"did you learn your lesson?" five asked turning his head to face you.

"yes daddy i did" you say winking at him.

he wraps his arms around you and you feel his moist skin connect with yours and with that the two of you fell asleep.

aye what's up guys haha. i feel like i haven't posted in forever but it's been like less than a week LMAO. i have a few drafts like half written soo hopefully i'll post those soon. also thank you sm for 5K READS HOLY SHIT WHAT?! ily guys muah

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