my turn (+)

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a lil smutty smut smut, where y/n tries to be dominant :0
"ah god y/n that was great" five says as he rolls over off of you and now laying by your side.

"yea it was just like always..." you say trying not hurt five's feelings and trying to show that nothing was wrong.

honestly though, your sex life with five had been getting kind of.... boring. he had stopped doing foreplay because he was always too eager to just get his dick wet. he would cum after like 5 minutes (hahaha get it FIVE hehe) and you wouldn't even be close.

"y/n? what's up? why'd you say it like that?" five asked sitting up on his elbow and turned to face you with a discerned look on his face.

"nothing five it's just that our sex is just kinda... vanilla now" you said trying to protect his ego.

"vanilla?" he said as he cocked his head and raised one eyebrow, looking at you like he had never heard that word to describe his sex life before.

"yea... it's just a lil, uhm, the same..."

"well," he said leaning towards u hovering over your face, "what do u wanna try babygirl?"

an idea popped into your head, it might get you into some trouble later but you definitely knew it would get you off so at the point, it was worth it.

"it's my turn to be in charge" you said pushing his bare shoulder back making his back hit the bed.

"are you serious?" he asks slightly annoyed

five was always dominant, in every way, that was just his personality, but the thought of riding him and teasing him like he does to you just seemed so tempting.

"does it look like i'm kidding five?"

you reach for his clothes and grab his tie and get on top of him, both of you still naked from "round one", and take both his writs into your hands.

"y/n! what the hell?? come on isn't there something else??"

you ignored him and continued to tie his hands together on the head post of the bed, making sure to grind on him a bit and have ur tits in his face while u do so to tease him before it's even begun.

"y/n this isn't funny, play time is over." he said in a stern and husky voice while trying to get untied.

"now listen, and listen real close" you say as you lean into his ear, "if you warp out of this, no sex for 2 weeks, and i'll touch myself right in front of you showing you how i can get off without you, okay?"

his eyes went wide and face red, "o-okay." he said shocked

you sat up looking down at him, looking so helpless, so pretty being all tied up, so needy to touch you, it made you grow a cocky smile.

you moved your hips up and down five's torso rubbing your clit on him going quiet slow to tease both yourself and him.

your head moved down to the crook of five's neck and you started to pepper wet sloppy kisses on his neck and started to suck leaving marks.

"ah fuck y/n please fuck me already" five moaned out

hearing him beg for you to fuck him made you so wet.

"y/n please baby i need you, i need to feel you around me, fuck please y/n" he whines

you were dripping at his words, feeling weak and just wanting to let him pound into you and give into him, but it was your turn to play and you weren't gonna let that go.

you lean back down to his ear and nibble on it, "five i wanna ride you until i cant breathe"

and with that u took his dick and slide it into your tight hole going all the way down, sitting back down on his hips. you both let out breathy moans as you connected.

"y/n please i wanna touch your body so bad, i wanna guide you on my dick please ah fuck"

"shut up five, or else i'll just sit here and watch you sweat and beg for me to move."

he throws his head back into the pillow and you start to slowly move up and down on his member.

you slowly start to pick up your pace, going faster up and down on his dick. your tits bouncing in his face and your skin slapping

"ahhh fuck fuck i'm gonna cum please go faster ah" he begs

"god five you begging is so fucking hot ahhhahhh"

you take his whole length with every bounce slamming himself back into you everytime making a loud slap noice and making you both let out loud moans to the feeling.

"fuck y/n fuck i'm so close don't stop please" he says pleading

"me too five ahh"

you slam back into him a few more time feeling yourself tighten around his member as he releases and you soon follow.

you take him out of you and untie his hands the flop beside him on the bed.

"see, that was so much fun yea?" you ask, out of breathe.

"yea that was fucking amazing, but next time... it's my turn. "

for sunsvct you horny bitch <3

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