"First Night Back" (+)

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{recommended that you read the chapter before this ;)}
- warning: smut

When night finally hit the academy you knew you were in for a good time with Five.

You could tell when he saw you at stairs earlier that day that he needed you. It looked like he hadn't touched another human being in years. (an: y/n doesn't know about the apocalypse yet) You could tell that he craved you.

Five had told to to be ready for him by 12:00am and it was 11:30. You didn't know if you could wait much longer. You craved him at this point because you hadn't seen him, let alone touched him in 16 years.

So of course you being you, you take charge. "Fuck it" you say to yourself as you storm down the hall to Five's room. Once there you go to knock on his door but suddenly you just appeared in his room with a Whoosh.

It's like he knew you were coming.

Five looks you up and down, admiring the little clothes you did have on. "Oh the things i would do to you Y/N" he said with that classic smirk of his plastered on his face.

You lean into him. Feeling the warmth of his breath hit your face and neck & go in to whisper in his ear.

"Then do them." as you say while nibbling on his ear.

Before you could pull away, he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you into a passionate and sensual kiss. Your lips move along with his in a rhythm.

Not breaking the kiss he teleports you both from the door of him room to his bed and you begin to slowly straddle him causing him to moan slightly which made you grin.

He grabs your waist guiding you on his dick, feeling him get hard beneath you. This turned both of you on very quickly & you both became extremely impatient.

"F-Five. Fuck me." you say in his ear practically begging him. He rips your tiny crop top off your body reveling that you had no bra on.

"Fuck, Y/N" five says under his breath admiring how beautiful you were.

"When we are done, you won't be able to walk. " he said winking at you and without warning stripping you of both your skin tight booty shorty and your tiny laced underwear, leaving you completely naked.

Keeping to eye contact, Five laid kisses all the way from your collarbone down to your inner thighs.

You throw your head back when he finally makes contact with your heat. He rubs his fingers around your clit causing you to moan loudly.

Five stopped which makes you to whimper desperately for him to keep going.

"Shhh. No noise. Don't disobey me Y/N. "

He continued to go back and rub your clit then slowly thrusting 2 fingers inside of you making your toes curl and you try to close your legs but Five pushes them forcefully apart reminding you that he is in charge.

You feel yourself coming close as he removes his fingers, sucks them clean then proceeds to go down on you.

You tug on his thick brown locks pushing him further into you.

"Fuck Five i'm almost there!" you exclaimed.

He stopped, angering you because you knew the game that he was playing.

"Two can play at that game hargreeves"

He hated when you called him that which made him want to punish you even more. He grabs both of your wrists and tied them together on the bed post keeping them above your head.

"you really should learn how to listen to me y/n"

Without any warning five thrusted himself into you causing you to scream out in both pain and pleasure. He let you adjust to his size only for a moment before quickly thrusting in and out.

"holy fuck five, faster please" you practically begged. he furrowed his brow then asked,

"what's my name?"

"five ahhh"

"NO. what's my name?"


"that's right. good lil girl you are. finally listening to daddy." his movements were still fast and deep as he talked to you.

"i'm gonna cum daddy ahhh omg" you scream out. he doesn't slow down, pretending like he didn't even hear what you said. you could feel his dick inside of you start to twitch signaling he was about to cum.

"be a good girl and cum with daddy" five mumbles under his breathy moans. you do as you are told because you don't know what five will do if you disobey. you both cum at the same time & he flops over next to you.

"oh y/n how i've missed you"

"i missed you too five, more than you could ever imagine"

you cuddle up with him under the covers and start to feel yourself drifting off to sleep when five says in his husky voice against your neck,

"y/n, i love you"

"f-five, i love you too"

and with that you both fell asleep.

whew that was steamy haha. this was my first time writing like hardcore smut before so i hope you guys liked it. i'm taking a suggestions btw so comment what you guys wanna see. muah 😚

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