Day 19 - face mask and lots of friends

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I feel quite numb today. I'm not in pain really and I'm settled but Tuesday is looming in the not so far distance and I just don't know what it's going to be like waking up and not having the foot. It takes over two hours to get my washed and ready in the morning and it takes so much effort that it makes me really tired. I also found abed sore blister underneath my injured leg in the night which has been dressed now. Aurora who sings to us was here though singing 'Yesterday' by Doris Day and 'Walking on Sunshine' which I strangely replied was my favourite song but really meant anything happy and jolly.

I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends later – first Farah and then my 'physics types' mates.

Did something very silly though. I thought that my mum, my sister and I could put on face masks with cucumber and everything and have a pampering session. I was the only one who did it in the end, for good reason. We experimented on me with the chocolate cupcake face mask from Lush which I had bought for mum for Christmas. It actually smells (and tastes – a bit got on my lips) really nice but applying it was not the most pleasant of things. To be blunt, when it was on my face it looked like poo and I had to sit there with the cucumber on too for 5 minutes with mum, Susanna and the nurses laughing at me. The HCA even did my obs with me blind and looking like Fungus the Bogeyman.

Taking it off was a trial. At home, there is easy access to warm water but here we had warm water in a sick bowl with flannels that are a bit like jay cloths and wet wipes. It was not a quick or easy affair and I joked that my mum wipes my bum and now she does my face and they look rather similar!

It eventually all came off and now I do have lovely soft skin with the faint aroma of chocolate cupcake so thank you Ottilie for suggesting it to me but maybe would have been better had I done it at home.

I also got a proper Sunday lunch and it was actually very nice – roast pork, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, roasted vegetables and gravy. It was actually pretty nice like a lot of the food in the hospital.

6 hours later....

I feel quite happy. I had a lovely couple of hours nattering to Farah about all sorts of things and she bought a lovely bunch of flowers – not technically allowed flowers but they'll be waiting for me when I get home and some BBQ pringles, very yummy indeed!

Then Tara and the 'harem' as Isabelle calls them came round – Matt, Tony, Antony, George and Corin. Corin and Matt say my wheelchair is very comfortable which is good. It was a little awkward with so any of them space-wise but I think we just about coped and actually Chloe from Marseille, the nurse who was looking after us today, said that even though there were so many of us that we were actually relatively quite so it was all ok. The bought some very posh looking chocolate and biscuits and Tara kidly brought some hospital essentials – cleansing wipes, had cream, etc which was realy thoughtful of her. It was really nice hearing them natte about things I don't really get like computers and computer games and football. Ant read us some football quotes, much to our chargrin. It was just a really lovely evening, even if I embarrassingly had to use the bedpan half way through.

Now I'm just planning to upload the rest of this to my blog and go to sleep. Isabelle has sent me "Welcome to Nightvale" to listen to as I drift off.

 Isabelle has sent me "Welcome to Nightvale" to listen to as I drift off

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