Day 33 - enjoying being home

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You know when you go out and the soles of your feet always hurt, well mine does except it's up by my knee! I think I over did it last night but it was so worth it!

It's passed midday and I haven't got out of bed yet. My parents are frantically looking for the presents that have got displaced in my move back home and then wrapping them up. I feel so bad for putting so much stress on my family and all I can do is sit in bed. I can wash myself but I can't get the water ready. I can eat my toast and drink my coffee but I can't make them myself yet. I hate being so dependent again. Mum has bought me a little picker though so the floor isn't quite as inaccessible. I also feel bad that all my equipment has scared the dog.

In other news, I have literally just found my parents secret stash of liqueurs and it's literally just above my head. I kind of wish I'd found this yesterday but anyways woohoo! There's a diddy bottle of Kahlua and some limoncello that may not be there for very long.

I've been watching the marathon and the fantastic efforts of all those people who are enduring such a great running challenge to raise money for all of their amazing charities. Perhaps I will be there next year raising money for Mountain Rescue Torridon and Kinlochewe – joke I don't run for the bus! Perhaps I'll raise money by climbing mountains instead – far more up my street!

I feel like after all the excitement of things happening at hospital, getting to know and be known by the staff at the hospital, posting on Facebook with lots of people commenting, etc, is coming to an end. I'm not much of an attention seeker but it was quite nice while it lasted. Writing my blog, I feel like I almost can't remember what it was like in hospital, like a dream. It all just seem like dream or a movie I wasn't part of. It all feels now like a bit of an anti-climax. Hmmm, I now need to find a new goal to achieve. Also, in hospital it was really easy to remember when to take your meds because they were plonked right in front of you and now I have to not only remember when but how much of each – oh dear!

Nan, Grandad and I decorated a plain, decorate-yourself birthday cake whilst Susanna and Mum were walking the dog which was a bit of a laugh. Nan couldn't see a cake in Waitrose that she liked so decided to buy a plain cake and then decorate it herself which was actually such a touching and fun idea. The packaging for the decorations was hard to open so sugar flowers sprayed everywhere and then there was a debate about whether to put the "happy" in front of the "birthday" or behind (we chose in front in the end) but then we had to be exactly precise with where the letters went. Precision is not my forte. I think we pulled it off in the end though as Susanna was very happy with our efforts and, even better, the cake was really really yummy.

Susanna also got some lovely presents, most of them sparkly of course! I can't believe she's 21 on Tuesday – my baby sister is going to be 21! She's going to be in Surrey for her birthday unfortunately and she's going home tonight. She's packing – she's always last minute! I can't believe she's leaving me and I know I'm going to miss her, even more than I usually do.

Crystal Palace unfortunately beat Watford so poor Dad didn't get the result he wanted and then heroically had to drive all the way to Surrey and back with Blondie Bear. She forgot quite a few things including her presents – silly thing! I think everything's been so rushed and stressful that it was inevitable she'd leave something. Oh well, it will just mean she'll just have to come back home soon – what a shame!

Sorry (or maybe you're grateful and I wouldn't blame you) that today isn't as lengthly as usual. I spent at least half the day asleep! In summary, it's just nice to be home with Mum's good food, watching the Marathon with Dad but sad that Susanna has left me. She promises to call everyday though.

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