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aurora versini
new york city, usa

"Well, I guess I'll see you in half a hour..." Shawn says, walking to the door of my apartment with me following close behind.

I smile in response, trying to rid my brain of all the possible scenarios this meeting could hold. If it's just the two of us, I'm not too worried. But I know for a fact my mother doesn't trust me to manage a meeting with a client as well-known as Shawn, so I don't doubt her for a second that she'll send one of her 'associates' along to keep an eye on me.

He closes the door behind him, causing me to let out a sigh I'd been holding in since he told me about the meeting. "Fuck." I whisper, reaching for my phone and dialling my personal assistant, Olivia. "Pick up, pick up, pick up."

"Aurora? Where on earth are you?" her voice sounds more concerned than angered. "I've been calling you for 20 minutes and you didn't pick up so I-"

"That doesn't matter. Don't ask any questions, but I need you to do me a huge favour."

"A favour? What kind of favour?"

"No time for questions, Liv. Who have I got a meeting with this morning?"

"I don't know, it just says 'Mr M. Gala' in your calendar but it's starred so he must be important. Why? Oh my god, are you-"

"When the client comes, he's gonna ask for you. You're gonna show him to our menswear store closet and you're gonna dress him in some of our best clothes, and then send him to my office for the meeting. Please."

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah." She repeats, "You mean I'll be dressing someone? Like, a celebrity?"

"Yes, I guess I do."

"Can I take photos and stuff?" She asks eagerly, sounding like an excited child on Christmas. I smile to myself.

"No, confidentiality and all of that. But if you do a good job, I'll consider that promotion for after you graduate." I can practically hear her squeal down the phone.

"You're kidding?" She giggles excitedly, again sounding like a child.

"Just do a good job. And don't go all weird on him, okay?" I warn her, pulling a suitable dress out of the closet. "I'll be over in 15."

"Yes, boss."

"Don't call me that." I retorted, hovering my finger over the end call button. "Bye, Liv."

I slide on my outfit: a tight black dress that stops at my mid-thighs and my red high heels, applying a matching red lipstick. I try to convince myself I'm not dressing myself to look good for Shawn, but it doesn't work.

On a normal work day I'd throw on a skirt and a blouse or maybe even just trousers and a nice top, but not today. Today was different; I felt different.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror before I grab my handbag and keys off the side, preparing to walk the short journey to the office.

The walk gives me chance to process the night's events, and for my actions to finally sink in. I hadn't given the reckless nature of my actions a single thought until now, how careless it was for me not only to sleep with a client, but to do it the night before a meeting with him. Yet somehow, I don't regret it one bit. That night is still something I won't forget anytime soon, but it was best if it stayed like that- a memory. Not something that happens regularly, for the sake of my career.

𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now