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shawn mendes
Toronto, Canada

"We'll leave you girls here and go onto the balcony for a man-to-man." My dad announces, clapping me on the back and leading me outside. Once we're sat on the bench, he turns to me.

"You love her, don't you?" He asks, a smile breaking out on his face. I can only nod, shocked at the intuition my entire family seems to possess. "I knew it. Does she know it?"

"Yeah. I wrote her a song. And then I told her I loved her. She told me she might be able to say it back soon." I sigh, "Who knows. She's a mystery."

"Is nervous about her? Is that why you asked her to be in it?"

"Yeah. Every song I write seems to be about her, now." I confess. "It's the only way I can get my feelings out."

"And how do you feel?"

"I can't put it into words, dad." I sigh, tilting my head back against the balcony. "Whenever I'm around her, I just have this, this feeling in my chest. It's tight, as if I'm holding my breath until she's away from me. But it's a good feeling. I wish I could feel it all the time. I wish she was with me all the time." I confess.

"I know what you mean, son." My dad places his hand against my shoulder. "I've had that feeling."

"With mum?" He nods.

"And I've only ever felt it once. And I'm still with her today."

"What are you saying?" I ask, turning to him.

"I'm saying, I've only ever had it once. I've been in love with other people, sure. But not like that. You feel like that when it's the one."

"You really think she could be the one?" I choke out.

"I mean it. I've never, ever seen you this worked up." He explains. "And she's incredible, she really is."

"You like her?"

"I love her. We all do. Mum clearly does, look at her." He points to where they're washing up, laughing away together. Aaliyah is sat on a stool, joining in. "You deserve someone like her, Shawn. I'm really happy."

"But I'm still not sure if she feels the same way."

"C'mon, son. Look at her. She's helping your mum wash the dishes, for goodness sake."

"You really think she's the one?" I repeat, unable to think about anything else. Because I believe him. I think he's right.

"Undoubtedly." He nods, "You'd be a fool to let her go."

"I know I would." I reply. "I'm not planning on it. We're gonna work through the distance, and whatever problems we're faced with."

"I really hope so." He says, "You make each other so happy, it's clear."

We stand up, ready to leave the balcony. "Don't do anything stupid." He warns me, "You know what I mean. She's too precious for you to ruin." He warns me.

"I can't imagine ever hurting her. I physically couldn't." I say, meaning every single word. I couldn't.

We walk back inside, perfectly timed to the girls finishing the dishes. We agree to watch a film, settling down in front of my tv to watch some spider-man movie that Aaliyah and Aurora shared the same enthusiasm for.

"I promise I prefer you to Peter Parker." Aurora insists, after I pull a jokingly jealous face for the fifth time. Each time I pull her closer, needing to be near her.

𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now