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shawn mendes
new york city, usa

I smile to myself, giddy with excitement, as the taxi pulls up outside my hotel. After all the waiting, all the sleepless nights and the anticipation of today, it's ended working out better than I could've ever expected.

It's wrong, it's so fucking wrong. I knew it was wrong from the moment I leaned over to kiss her neck, and it only got worse and worse from there. But it felt so right, so good, and that was the problem. She was quite literally irresistible, too beautiful and perfect and meant for me that I just couldn't resist her touch. No matter what cost.

I rush up to my room, despite knowing that Aurora won't be joining me for at least another ten minutes. I needed to give myself time to mentally prepare, and to ring Brian and update him on my mind-blowing night.

I slip the keycard into the door, excitement coursing through my veins. The hotel room is a mess, of course. Clothes and luggage are spread out everywhere, not leaving much room to walk. I sweep it up within a few minutes, piling it into a corner that Aurora hopefully won't see.

1:26am. That's the time displayed on my phone, just before I swipe across to call Brian.

"Bro!" I say cheerfully as the call connects.

"Yo! Why are you so happy? I take it you've had a good night?"

"The best night." I sigh in awe. "The best night ever."

"Seriously? Holy shit dude, I'm so happy for you. Your voice hasn't sounded that happy since Aurora." He says, oblivious. "Have you finally caught feelings for Hailey?"

"Nope." I shake my head, even though he can't see me.

"What then?" He asks, none the wiser. "Oh god. Don't tell me you-"

"Yup." I nod now, "It happened."

"You're back together?"

"In about two hours, we might be." I say proudly, "She's coming over like, any minute now."

"But isn't she still with Kal? And aren't you still with Hailey?"

"Oh yeah, hadn't even thought about that." I say sarcastically. "I know. It's wrong. But just felt so good."

"How far did you go?" He asks, curious.

"Well, we kinda had sex. On a piano." I state, a smile spreading across my face at the thought of Aurora and I, the closeness we shared. "At the afterparty."

"You did what on a what at the what?" He repeats, sounding completely shocked. "I thought you were gonna say you talked it out and then kissed, maybe some touching. Not that you went at it on a fucking piano!"

"It was in the heat of the moment, I wasn't thinking." I explain, "Well I was, but not rationally."

"Damn right you weren't." He chides me, "Does Hailey know?"

"She ended things just before." I tell him. "I don't know what's going on with Aurora and Kal, but she told me she was a fool for letting me go."

𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now