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aurora versini
new york city, usa

total hufflepuff

total slytherin
you back from the toilet yet?
i'm bored

total hufflepuff
i was just minding my own business in there doing my thing and the seatbelt sign came on and there was some serious turbulence

total slytherin
i still can't believe you'd pee on a plane

total hufflepuff
when you gotta go you gotta go
all i'm saying...

total slytherin
it's literally an hour and a half flight

total hufflepuff
you're just a princess
i bet you fly first class

total slytherin
yes and what about it?
i'm NOT a princess
i'm a queen
do you fly economy?

total hufflepuff
i prefer it actually
keeps me grounded
no pun intended

total slytherin
that's sweet actually
so are you landing?

total hufflepuff
thank god for the wifi or I would've been super bored without you
but I'm gonna have to go because the flight attendant is giving me evils for having my phone out

total slytherin
ok, have a safe landing x

total hufflepuff
you too x
wait what
ignore that
i don't even know
anyway byeeee

I chuckle at his awkwardness, pulling on my sweatpants in preparation for a night in with my best friends. Right on cue, I hear their voices echo in the foyer of my apartment. "We have arrived!" Florence shrieks, running towards me. Zahara lags behind, weighed down by four crammed 7-eleven bags. "And we brought food!"

"Lots of it." Zahara adds, throwing it all on my sofa. "Florence got carried away."

"I'm allowed to eat as much shit as I want now award season is over, so that's what I'm gonna do." Florence snaps, pulling out a packet of crisps.

"So, are we gonna build up until you ask me or should I just explain straight up?" I ask, grabbing the TV a remote off the side.

"Thank god." Zahara exhales. "I was basically bursting to ask you all the way here."

"Ask her about what?" Florence asks naively.

"She got very drunk last night. Can't remember a thing. I thought I'd leave you to explain." Zahara explains.

"Can you remember earlier in the night when I was getting ready? And I was asking about Shawn?" I speak to her as if she's a child, but the fact that she's dressed in baby pink pyjamas and has a mouth full of cheetos doesn't help.

"I think so... you were stood over there and you said you'd googled him, right?" I nod. "And I said that you could use him as a rebound from

"Wait, who's Kal?" I joke, giggling loudly. Her eyes widen.

"You... You... You listened to my advice? And it worked?" She gasps, clearly shocked that she could deliver such good guidance.

𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now