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aurora versini
santa monica, usa

"So you know how I said I was gonna use my free night to catch up on America's next top model?" I begin my joint phone call with Zahara and Florence by saying. "Well, that plan went completely out of the window."

"Why? Has your mom given you more work to do?" Zahara questions, "You really need to put your foot down with her, Rora."

"No, I haven't spoken to her all day."

"What then?" Florence chimes into the conversation.

"Don't kill me, but guess who else is in LA?"

"If you say Kal, I will march off this set and catch a flight all the way over there, and then I will drag you by your-" Zahara rants down the phone.

"Not Kal. Someone else."

"Oh god, who?" Florence inquires worriedly.

"Shawn. You're meeting Shawn, aren't you?" Zahara concludes excitedly. "Told you, you can't resist."

"Just as friends. I'm meeting him at the taco truck on Santa Monica pier."

"Friends my ass, Rora." Florence challenges me.

"I mean it. He's a nice guy, and-"

"Aurora?" I whip around at the sound of my name, seeing Shawn stood there. "Hey."

I mouth 'one second' and end the phone call rapidly, walking back over to him. "Hey, you."

There's an awkward silence for a while as I take in his appearance. His black skinny jeans and denim jacket make him look incredibly attractive, topped off by the fact his hair is messy and curly, falling perfectly down his forehead and framing his effortlessly handsome face. I'm about to start thinking about raking my hands through it, but I cut my thoughts off. Friends. "So where's this taco truck then? You've built it up so much, it better be good."

"Oh, trust me. Best tacos you'll ever eat, I'm telling you." I assure him, leading him over to the truck. "The first time I went, I had to go back that night. They're incredible."

"What's your usual order?"

"A number 4 with sweet potato fries." He listens intently as if I'm telling him the most interesting thing he's ever heard. "But if it's your first time I'd recommend the number 8."

"Is there any tomatoes or sour cream on that?"

"Uhm, you could probably ask for it without. Do you not like tomatoes?" He screws his face up in disgust.

"God, no. Do you? This might be the end for us if you do."

"I'm not too passionate either way. They're just a vegetable."

"Actually, they're the devil's fruit, but whatever you say." He contends, slotting himself into the long queue. "It's popular, that's a good sign."

"You're not ready. I'm jealous. I wish I could experience their tacos for the first time again."

"How much longer?" Shawn complains minutes later, seeing that we're two people away from being served. "In a few minutes my stomach will start practicing whale calls, and you'll know about it."

𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now