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lol i lied about waiting until the middle of the week because i finally got myself together and wrote this long ass chapter, so here's 3371 words for you all

also i strongly suggest you listen to the song i've linked in general not just for this chapter skskks

love this chapter with my whole soft heart. this is peak softness now brace yourself boyos

aurora versini
sorrento, italy

I never normally wake up this early, but as the sun begins to rise and warm up my bare back, I acknowledge my early start to the morning. I'm still resting on Shawn's chest, one of his arms draped around my waist, the other's hand wrapped in mine. He snores lightly, his eyelids heavy. I'm careful not to wake him as I prop myself up on my elbow, watching him sleep. His chest rises and falls steadily, his cheeks flushed. I'm overcome with a feeling I haven't felt in a long time, and the more I look the more intense it gets. I slip myself out from under the covers, planting a soft kiss on his temple. He stirs briefly and turns onto his side, maintaining his child-like slumber. The sheets fall down him and a girly giggle falls from my lips, briefly glancing at his godly naked body.

Thoughts of the night we spent in those sheets come to mind as I hunt for some clothes to cover myself with, spotting Shawn's shirt from last night. I throw it on and button it up halfway, picking up my book from the side. I carefully slide the door to the balcony open, making sure I don't wake Shawn up from his deep sleep. He looks so adorable, his swollen lips parted slightly as he lays on his back.

I pad my feet gently to the edge of the balcony, swinging my legs over the side and resting my head against the stone wall. I haven't read in such a long time, and getting the chance to forget my world and drift off into someone else's was something I'd missed incredibly. I flick to the first page of romeo and juliet, a book I'd already read more times than I could count but still loved it more every time.

I've just reached act 2 by the time I hear Shawn sliding the door open and joining me on the balcony. "Don't jump." He jokes, his words coming out as more of a mumble, his voice raspy.

"Don't tempt me." I turn to him, smiling at the sight. He's put some grey sweats on, but his torso is still bare, drawing my eyes there. He sits down next to me, swinging his own legs over the edge.

"Thought you'd left me when I woke up." He chuckles, "Panicked."

"I'd never do such a thing." I respond, placing my book on the table next to me. "Last night was unbelievable. And I don't just mean the sex. The whole night was magic." I add, locking my fingers in his. He pulls me in for an embrace, his fingers fiddling with the fabric of his shirt as it hangs off me.

"You look so good in my clothes." He rasps between the sloppy kisses he peppers all over my face. "So fucking good."

I smile widely, switching our position so I'm sat between his legs, my back resting against his stomach. He stretches his legs out and rests his head against the wall, wrapping his arms around my body. We sit in silence, just listening to the sound of each other's breaths and admiring the view. Wordlessly, he begins to stroke my hair, the soft sensation giving me chills. I pick up my book and continue to read, resting the hand that didn't turn the pages on Shawn's arm.

"What you reading?" He mumbles, tracing his fingertips along my knuckles.

"Romeo and Juliet." I reply, turning the page. "Ever read it?"

𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now