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shawn mendes
Hollywood, USA

shawn mendes 23/02/1810:29pmHollywood, USA

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i've decided to fuck up my sleep cycle
i can think of more fun things to do

like what?

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what hotel are you staying at?

four seasons beverly hills
room 2606 x

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i'm on my way

My heart rate increases to a rate I didn't think was possible— or healthy —as I read those words. She's on her way. She's on her way to my hotel room. I quickly scramble around, tidying up the remnants of today's clothes and neatening up my guitars, my entire body consumed with nerves. Once I think my hotel room looks ok, I knock on the adjoining door between Brian and I's room.

"What do you want?" He whispers groggily, resting his arm on the door frame.

"She's coming over. She's coming here. She's on her way." I ramble.

"What? I thought you said she wanted to get some sleep?"

"Well, I guess something happened to change her mind. Either way, I don't care. She's coming here."

"Ok, I'm happy for you, whatever." He mumbles. "Just keep it down, please. Some people value sleep over... other things."

"Ok, we'll try our best. But I can't make any promises. She was very loud last ti-"

"Gross, dude. I don't need to here about your sex life, not at this time." He grumbles, shutting the door. As he does so, there's a knock at my main door. I half-walk, half-skip over, opening it eagerly. Just as I expected Aurora is stood there: her beautiful curly hair falling down her back, a loose denim jacket over her shoulders that just covers her bralette and the top of her tight leggings.

I don't know what it is about her, but she could turn up in a bin bag and she'd still manage to somehow turn me on. But the fact that she looks sexier than ever is sending me over the edge, my jeans suddenly tighter before she's laid a finger on me.

"That was quick." I exhale, watching her sink her teeth into her bottom lip as she looks me up and down. "What's gotten into you in the past three hours?"

Before she can deliver me an answer, she kisses me hard and fast, not even bothering to close the door. I kick it hard with my foot, jerking as it slams shut. She takes this as a cue to jump around my waist, resting her elbows on my shoulders and running her fingers through my hair slowly. She sends shivers down my spine as I walk us over to my bed, my thoughts utterly clouded with a desire for her.

𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝, shawn mendesWhere stories live. Discover now