Crash land

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Before I began, I just want to say that the story will have trigger warnings. Please remember I don't mean nor intended to offend anyone. Please enjoy the story and hope you all have a wonderful day/ night. 😎

ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ

I was totally fine with being alone on my birthday. I definitely didn't care...
I was lying to my self. I sat on the couch eating ice cream in the dark instead of partying with friends and family and eating cake...

I can't really complain. It's my fault that it's that way...

(I would love to draw her, but I have been having issues as far as drawing

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(I would love to draw her, but I have been having issues as far as drawing.)

Let me explain. My name is Reina Sun Harrington, and until today, my life has been shit. I'm nineteen and a college drop out working at a dead end job, living with a dirty roommate in a shit hole of a home in the middle of the woods! My friends went to other colleges and my family is so disappointed with me that they've cut me off. They didn't even call to say happy birthday.

I'm alone... "Guess I'll read or something" I turn on a light in my room and get a book. It was a nice night tonight so I decided to open a window, to hear the noises of nature. I began to read occasionally looking out at the night sky. The book I was reading was cliche, and about a chick who falls for a demon. Spoiler! The Demon loves her too. Usually I'd hate this kind of stuff, but lately I've been feeling desperate, yet I put no effort into finding a significant other. It's dumb, but I have my reasons

Out loud, I muttered, "God, I want a supper powerful boyfriend, so I can just get a new life with him." Of course I said it as a joke, but right after I said that, a loud boom was heard behind my house. It shook the house and the lights then turned off. "God?" I question.

"What the fuck was that???!!" My roommate yells in the other room.

Like the idiots we are, we went to go investigate. "What if its an alien?" My roommate asks.

"Why would it be an alien? What if it's just a storm that's coming? Or someone crashed a car." I respond.

"A car crashing won't stop the power."

"...Shut up! There's no aliens!"

"Th-then, what's that??!?"

I turn to where he's pointing and gasp. It was a man... A beautiful man. "Check and see if he's alive!" I yelled. We ran towards him and I checked his pulse. "there's nothing. Give him mouth to mouth!" I yell.

"W-what? No."

"Why not??!"

"One, that's gay, two, you're beside his head."

"Fine!!" I quickly press my lips on his. They were soft and warm. I move and see he's still not breathing. I stand and backup. "I- I think he's... dea-" The man started to move.

"He's moving!"

His eyes open revealing crimson eyes.

His eyes were dazed for a moment, he than directed his attention towards me. His face quickly turned to rage. " h-how dare you..." It seems like he can't move.

"My name is Reina, not Jojo. And this my room mate Ryo. We're here to help you. What's your name?"

"My name. It's... My name... I don't know." He says.

"You must have hit your head pretty hard. You most likely have amnesia. We're gonna have to take you to a hospital."

"Why? Why don't I know? What's my name!!!?!??" The Man's arms. They had turned into wings...

"What the hell?!!" Ryo yells, before we're both knocked down by the force of the mans wings.

"Wait! Watch it, your going to hit-" I tried to warn the man, but he flew straight up and hit a branch. He then fell flat on his face. He groaned and just stayed their.

"I'm calling the police." Ryo said.

"What!? No! Don't do that."

"Why not?? He's a dude, who fell from the sky and can fly! This isn't our problem."

"If anyone finds out about him, do you know what they'll do to him?? They'll turn him inside out."

"Do you know what he'll do to us!? You can't keep him as a pet just because you think he's hot."

"What? I never said-"

"You think I don't see you staring at his ass, you perv?"

"I'm no perv!"

"Your sketch book says other wise."

"... The point is, we can't be responsible for his death!"

"Alright, super hero, what if he's responsible for our death?"

"Please Ryo. I can't let him die."

"...fine... But what are we supposed to do with him?"

"Um... Take his upper half and I'll take his lower half. We're taking him in side."

Later on we sat him on my bed.

"He's burning up. Maybe he's sick."

Ryo sat quiet. "You have fun. I'm going to sleep now." He then leaves the room.

I turn my attention to the man. "I hope you get better. I'll check on you later on, ok?" There was no answer since he was sleeping. I know it wasnt the brightest idea to bring him here, but what else could I do? Leave him? I take covers from my closet and put them on the couch that was in my my room. I would be sleeping there. The man's breathing became heavy. "Even in your condition, you still look so pretty." I say to no one in particular.

"Thank-you?" the man says with his eyes still closed.

My face heats up. "N-no problem." I feel dumb I didn't expect him to hear me. "Well. Good night."


(Chapters will be longer than this)

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