Drama is not cool☹

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Thana POV

Wamuu was showing me how to control my powers and it wasn't going so well. It was my tenth time saying I'm sorry to him. "Wamuu! I'm so sorry! I- didn't mean it!" I yelled running to him.

"No. It is fine." He says getting off the ground. "It can not kill me."

"Sure it can't kill you, but I'm sure it hurts like hell!" I pull Wamuu up. "Maybe this was a mistake. It's causing more harm than good."

"If you don't control it, you'll. Cause harm."

I look down. "I know its just... What if I don't learn?"

I felt a warm hand on my face. "You'll learn, just as me and Santana had. You'll do just fine." Wamuu says tilting my head up.

'W- what is this feeling??? Am I horny? No it's not that at all.'

"I'll admit we should take a break." Wamuu walks off and I watch him leave.

I put my hand where his hand was. "Whoa. What kind of horny is this?"

Down south.

Third person POV

Penny walked down the halls as others walked along side her. "Penny! Who is that for? Master L?" One female asked.

"No it's for G." She responded.

"G!?" They yelled.

"Ugh. Let him starve for a few days. We hate him."

"Here we are trying to be human again and he does the most inhumane things possible."

"Selfish prick."

"Yeah it's bad enough we're monsters against our will, and then he turns around and does something stupid that would destroy what we stand for."

"Why is he even our leader? He only remembers what happened that's not special."

Penny became angry and didn't want to hear what they were saying. "That's enough!" She halted and turned towards the ones following her. "I won't have you talking like that about one of our masters! No one is perfect! Everyone makes mistakes! And do not refer to him as a monster."

"Penny, you aren't actually defending him are you? He killed innocent creatures for no valid reason."

"Do you hear your self?"

"We can live off of one person for months. He didn't need to kill everyone. And the pets? C'mon."

"It's not her fault she's like that."

Penny was confused by what was said. "Excuse me? Enlighten me!"

They began to smirk.

"They could just be rumors, but I heard that your boyfriend from when you were alive actually cheated on you ~"

"what?" Penny said.

"Yeah! I heard that it wasn't even the girl that killed you! It was him! And the girl took the blame because she was the one he was cheating with.~"

Penny dropped the papers and stepped back. "No. They told me-"

"I heard that Penny already knew he was cheating and stayed anyway, and her boyfriend didn't like it ~"

"So he abused her so she would leave, but that didn't work. So he got fed up and stabbed her!"

"Then she bled out and died!" The group began to snicker.

"You're lying! You're all lying!" Penny said crying. "They told me he was to ashamed to come to my funeral because he thought he couldn't protect me!"

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