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Thana POV 

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Angel yelled.

Angel screamed while running in the room full speed. He falls and trips, and then rolls in front of me and Kars. "Angel, everything alright ?" I asked. 

"They're looking for Yuri!" He yells showing us his phone.

I squint my eyes and look at the phone. "Korean cult icon goes missing, kidnapped by father and siblings. IT SAYS WE'RE TERRORIST?!" I yell.

"Is that Nari?" Kars says looking at a picture of a crying Nari. "It's a video."

Angel touches the play button and the video loads. "My name is Nari Hong, and my precious little girl was taken from me. I love her so much and I just want her home! Please, she could be anywhere in the world right now, and her father is not stable to raise her." 

"Not stable to raise her??? The woman neglected her other children and had her youngest the face of a cult and would hit her! But I'M NOT STABLE?! I may literally be homeless, but at least I don't use my child!" Kars says frustrated.

"Clill man. People Know she's a cult leader, and Yuri exposed everything to the followers. Who's dumb enough to believe her now?" I say to him.

"I believe you Ms. Hong." the video plays.

"You had to ask." Angel rolls his eyes. 

"Wha- How was I supposed to know?!"

"Ms. Hong, your story has touched our hearts. everyone worldwide is doing their part to find Yuri. Authorities world wide have even gotten involved. This man and his partners, who are Yuri's alleged siblings are responsible for kidnapping the twelve year old." a picture is shown of me, Angel and Kars.

"They got my good side." Angel leans in."


"That isn't the problem." Kars began. "I don't mind being wanted, but you two are human. Your normal lives are at stake. More so Angel, since he's been living a normal life."

"Oh no! what will every one who knows us think!?!?" Angel panics

Third person POV

In Japan. (you guys remember Shizuka right? the invisible baby?I think Joseph adopted her.)

"God damnit, I TOLD YOU IT WAS KARS!!" Joseph yells.

"Dad, I'm gonna change the channel." a young woman walks in and picks up the remote.

"Wha- SHIZUKA NO!" Joseph shouts, but it was to late. "OOOOHHH NOOOOOO!"

"Dad, what are you yelling about? Whats wrong?" Holly says walking over to her father.

"Your sister just changed the channel! Get Jotaro and change the channel back."

"Ji ji, I'm right here. What is it?" Jotaro enters the room.


"Dio did it four times."

"Wait so you believe me?"

"No, because Kars is in space. You told us the story many times." Jotaro rolls his eyes before leaving the room.


In Brazil

"Kars... what the hell did you get my son into?" Aurora says breaking a glass she has in her hand in anger.

At the Ussun house.

"Marcia sweet heart. Is that your friend on the tv?" Mr. Ussun asked.

"Dad don't be stupid. Angel is my only friend." Marcia says walking past her worried parents.

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