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(Plz dont kill me. I tried to reverese google search this and its acting like it dosn't exsist, maybe Im doing somthing wrong. I've seen this artist before but I don't know who it is and I can't find them. can someone explain how it works?)

Heeeeeyyyy guys! I just realized that I don't have to write another fight because we all know how the fight turns out. Caesar gets wrecked, Joseph gets wrecked, but Joseph fucks death over with b r a i n. Wamuu and Esidisi (marry Joseph) give him the rings of death. They give Joseph time to level up, then the pillar men go into creative mode. The only difference is that Thana is there (and is basically a ragdoll at this point) and Mark isn't dead.

We now continue to our regularly scheduled program 😐

Thana POV

I woke up in a dark place. "Well ain't this familiar." I say to myself. I stand and walk around when I realized I was in a metal room. I walk around to find a door and realize that there is no door. "Hey, what the fuck? Let me out!  Who put me in here!? Whoever did it I'll beat the shit out them!"

Two seconds later the metal on the wall behind me was pealed back. The person who did that was Wammu. "Well hello beautiful-" I tried leaning on something forgetting that I was in the middle of the room. I fall down on my side and quickly push my self up with one hand. "Sometimes I do push ups with on hand. Pretty cool right?"

Wamuu ignores my statement and speaks. "Master Kars would like to see you."

I follow Wamuu to where Kars is supposed to be. Upon arriving I saw Kars sitting on some giant pillow with Esidisi on the one beside him. Wamuu stopped and put his hand out in front of me as if telling me to stop.

He walked to the other side of Kars, where there was another giant pillow and sat down.

There was an awkward silence as the three stared at me. I took this time to look at my surroundings. I couldn't tell what type of building this could be, but the room was lit with torches, so I could at least find something.

"Sit." Kars said in a "friendly" tone. I quickly turn my head to him and narrow my eyes. "What's with that look? I don't bite. We are family after all." I hesitantly sat on the pillow in front of me. 

"I assume you didn't call me for daddy, daughter time."

"You're so smart." He says with a smug expression.

"Straight to the point. I like you. You aren't a bitch baby like future you."

"Isn't that just a puppy though?" Esidisi questions.

He's ignored and Kars proceeds to talk to me. "Before I began, what is your name?"


"Did your mother name you that?"


"Did I name you that?!"

"No, it's complicated, why?"

"It's an ugly name."

"Rude." I mumble.

"Now that your name is out of the way, tell me everything. Tell me how to achieve my goal. Tell me what mistakes I'll make and how I can avoid them."

"What? No. I can't tell you that!"

"You asked me if I knew how time travel works, yes?"


"The fact that you are here speaking to me now is evidence that it is possible to travel back in time, but not your own time line. So you can't be worried about being wiped out of existence. Even though you and I share the same genes, I am technically not your father. The Kars in your timeline is your father. You being here with your knowledge doesn't affect your timeline, so what on earth is preventing you from giving me my answers?" Kars says slightly irritated.

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