One ark to the next huh?

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I have obtained Kars.😳

Third person POV

"Sorry. I didn't hear you." Esidisi says

"I said is that food?" Thana lies while wiping her eyes.

"Yeah, I got you breakfast. And books." Esidisi says sitting a plate and a book down. He then sits a candle down and lights it.

Thana crawls over to the book and frowns. "This is greek?"


"Sorry. I only know English, French and Creole. I might be able to read Spanish but..."

"I can teach you greek."

"Nah. It's fine. Humans learn languages a lot slower than you guys. I was taught Creole and English at a young age, and french was easy to learn because of the creole obviously, and I still can't really speak Spanish."

"I'm sure we have enough time to get through one lesson."

Thana frowned. "You aren't trying to butter me up just so I'll talk to Kars are you?"

"What!? No. That would be very sneaky of me."

Thana was skeptical."I'm still gonna pass. I don't have the patience right now, and I'm sure it's obvious that I don't plan on staying long."

"Very well... Thana may I try something?"

"Like what?"

"An arts and craft type thing."

"Sure I guess just don't leave anything on my skin for to long... I'll break out."

While Thana ate, Esidisi began painting a wooden cone.

After a little while, Esidisi then started to glue the cone on to something.

He then started to braid Thana's hair. "Hey Esidisi, I have a question."

"Go on."

" What does Notalzopiltan mean?"

"What a random question. It's a Nahuatl word. Some indigenous people, including my people spoke it. I think humans still speak it today. It means two things. It could mean My precious noble one, or it could mean My precious son."

"Oh... I see."

As soon as Thana was done eating Esidisi began painting her face. He then put a headband on her head that had the painted cone on it.  "Aaand done!" Esidisi said confidently.

"To bad I can't see it."

"Oh yeah. Unrealated, and no offense, but you're so... Human."

"I came out a human so..."

"But for being Kars' daughter you sure are weak."

"We'll you're rude."

"You're half human. Humans are naturally weak there is nothing to be ashamed of."

"Why do you guys hate humans anyway. You haven't even met every human."

"Me personally, I don't necessarily hate them. I think you guys are drama queens, but who wouldn't be like that if they had a short life. I've learned things from humans, I even studied under one once so I don't think they're stupid either. As a whole you guys are stupid though. But I know one thing that humans top for sure." he says giving a smug look

"What is it?"

"Humans, mainly females, are small."

"So what?"

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