The sea part 1

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Um... Here. Have some shenanigans. 😳

Third person POV

the group snuck aboard a cruise ship and began to sail off. The pillar men stayed below the cabins, in storage during the day. Lyra and Kars' children wondered the ship during the day as the Pillarmen rested below.

Thana looked around to gather food as Lyra, Angel, and Yuri wondered the ship amazed at everything they saw. They went sight seeing and took in the sunshine and heat. "I wish we could get in the pool." Lyra whined.

"I'm sure there is a way to get around that." Angel responded.

Yuri was busy looking at everything around her to pay attention to her brother and Lyra. Thats when something caught her eye.

"And these wigs seemed to work as far as a disguise, right Yuri?" Angel says only to see that Yuri was not there. "...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH-"

Yuri slowly followed a person who rolled around on roller skates. She was Mesmerized by the way they moved on skates. She followed them around the corner, and saw they weren't there.

"Why are you following me?" a voice said. Yuri jumped and saw a person around her age in roller skates. "Hello?" The person asked. The person had short brown curls in a ponytail, and their hair was shaved on the sides (they look like Sokka with curls).

Yuri pointed to their skates.

"Oh, you like my roller skates?"

Yuri nods.

"Why didn't you just say so?"

She points to her neck.

"You can't talk?"

Yuri shakes her head.

"I'm sorry..." This person then thinks of something. "Do you know how to roller skate?"

Yuri shakes her head.

"Wanna learn how?"

Lyra and Angel frantically looked for Yuri. And while they were worried sick, Yuri was on roller skates. "Don't worry you won't fall if I'm holding your hands." The Sokka look alike says to Yuri who has a worried expression on her face. "But, I think you're ready to do it on your own. What do you think?"

Yuri is hesitant, but she nods.

"Ok. I'm gonna let go now ok?"

Yuri nods slowly in response.

They let go of Yuri and she looks up nervous. This person, backs away a few feet and opens up their arms. "Now skate to me."

Yuri looks hesitant.

"Don't worry. Even though I can't garuntee that I'll catch you, I can guarantee That I'll always help you up. Ok?"

Yuri's eyes widened and her heart pounded. Her face heated up and she immediately fell flat on her face.

"Oh no!" They run over to Yuri and helped her up. "Your nose is bleeding! Are you ok!?" They ask.

Yuri nods violently.

"See. I told you I'll help you up didn't I?"

Yuri's face slowly turned red and she nodded slowly.

After a few more times of falling on her face, Yuri and her new friend decided to take a break.

They both sat under a parasol drinking tea. "I just realized that I didn't introduce myself. My name is Dana. Nice to meet you."

Yuri nods and looks down

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