A trip to mexico pt 2

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3rd person POV

"and show you aren't some weak primitive."

Thana gulped. "A-and there is no other way to convince you?" Santana glares at the woman. "V-very well then. I will fight you."

"Don't! If you fight him you'll die! No doubt about it!" Speedwagon yells.

"Listen to him! He is a monster!" Stroheim practically screamed.

"Thana. Maybe They're right." Joseph began. "Maybe you should leave this to the me-"

"Men?" Thana began. "I'd honestly tell you to fuck off, but that's how you were raised and I can't be mad about that. You don't get it. Santana is my family and...this is up to me. Not only because he is family, but because we are the same species. It doesn't matter if you think I can't handle him because I lack something between my legs." Thana thought for a second. "I was told not to say certain things, but I'm sure I can say this. Joseph was supposed to kill Santana today, and screaming Blondie over there was supposed to explode or something." The room became silent. Thana turned to Santana. "If I win this fight, you have to come with us and help stop your masters."

"What do I get if I win?" Santana asked.

"Whatever you like."

"Then you will die. And so will these humans."

"Thana you can't be serious." Joseph said. "You can't make gambles like that!"

"If I die it's fine. You'll just kill him." Thana responds.

Stroheim felt that Thana was just trying to steal and "tame" the experiment for her self. "These conditions are unacceptable! That thing is under our supervision, and it belongs to the German military!"

"This isn't up to you!" Thana yells. "And I don't appreciate you calling him an it or thing. Do you seriously think you have control in this situation? Your men are dead, your so called test subject is out and you were supposed to die today."

Stroheim fell silent and Thana turned back to Santana. 'I'm honestly terrified. I've never had to fight someone I wanted to protect.' "Whenever you're ready." She said.

(A/n: I know this is very unprofessional but, just a disclaimer, I suck at writing fight scenes.)

Santana sprints toward Thana. She instinctively sprouts wings and flies out of the way, her feet barley escaping Santana's grasp.

"Whoa! Did you know she could do that?" Speedwagon askes Joseph.

"No I didn't!" Joseph says just as amazed as Speedwagon.

Thana lands gracefully behind Santana.

Santana halts and turns slowly towards Thana. "You agreed to fight. Not run." He glares at the girl.

"I'm not running. Dodging is apart of fighting. If you don't know someone's full potential, then it's not wise to go head on." Thana taunts. 'That's probably how you ended up dying'

Not even a second later Santana ran towards Thana once again. 'He must have close range powers.' She thought to her self. She was quickly proven wrong when leach like things came shooting out of his flesh. 'Ew!??? What the fuck is that!???'

Unable to move fast enough, the "leaches" got on her. She fell to the ground immediately with a yelp. When she tried to stand, she just fell back down noticing that the "leaches" were extremely heavy and felt draining. Santana slowly approached her.

"Thana, no!" Joseph cried out. 'I need to stop this.' He thought. Joseph ran infront of the male and used Hamon to punch Santana. This only caused the Hamon to run off of Santana like water.

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