I got custody bitch 🤪

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Kars POV

"Kars chill. I've never seen you so pissed off by a human before." Thana says to me.

"You've only known me for a few months. I still dislike humans, I just hate this woman the most right now." I snap.

"You don't hate me, Thana and our moms though, right?" Angel asked slightly worried.

"Of course I don't. We are family. What I hate is someone using my child as a cult symbol."

I found out about Yuri from a poster for a cult that Nari is running.

We were all seated in what I can assume is a waiting room. Two men stood at the doors.

"Kars~ long time no see." A woman said. I look and see Nari in a silk dress walking towards me. "What brings you here without visiting for twelve years?" She says with a smug look.

I stand and walk over to her. "Where is my child?"

"Your child?"

"Do not answer a question with a question, where are they? I saw them in the window."

"Oh? You mean my lovely Yuri? Who said she was yours? I've slept with other people."

"We have the same eyes, hair, facial expressions and skin tone. She looks Exactly like me, not to mention the abilities that she has that you've been using for your own gain."

"Yuri has heterochromia. Her eyes are not like yours. And their are a lot of people who look like other people and aren't related."

"Woman you are playing games. You know that is my child. And I will be taking her. You aren't fit to raise her."

"No. You won't be. She is my child. Let's say she is your child. Be real with me, are you stable enough to raise her? Do you have a job? A house? Easy access to education whether it be at home or in a school? if you can't answer all of those then I still would not just hand her to you."

I've never felt such rage fot a woman before, much less a human. I walk closer to the woman and tower over her. "Listen here you insufferable waste of space. You cannot comprehend the amount of patience I have right now so I don't destroy you in front of my other children."

"Well then. If you truly feel that way then kill me. I'm sure Yuri will be happy with you slaughtering me. Her mother and the only family she's known. She'll just willingly go with you right?"

"...You've gained some balls I see."

"No, I'm just not an idiot. Now I assume you and your kids have traveled a long way~" Nari grabbed a lock of my hair and yanked me down to her height. "Maybe stay for a night~ Behave and maybe I'll at least let you sit in the same room as her. Perhaps at Dinner. Does that sound like a plan?"


"I'm waiting~ And I don't have all day~"

I slap her hand away causing her to let of my hair. "Fine."

"I'm glad we're able to agree on something!" She then looks behind me and sees Thana and Angel sitting in chairs. I turned and looked at them as well. "Aww! Aren't you two the cutest? How old are they?"

"Eighteen and Twentyone."

"Oh... I see. I can see they get their good looks from you."

She walks over to Angel. "Sorry. I have rabies." Angel says.

She then walks over to Thana who proceeds to growl and hiss at her like an angry cat... Good girl.

"Oh Kars, your kids are so charming." Nari says slightly startled.

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