Caesarino 🥗

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(A/n) while looking up stuff to jog my memory for battle tendency, I found this🤤😋. Idk where to buy squid ink, but I hope you guys can use this.

3rd person POV

"H-he said no to me." Thana sobbed.

Thana, Joseph, and Speedwagon were on a plane to Italy to meet someone.

"Thana, are you still mad? Don't be a big baby about it." Joseph said in annoyance.

"You're right. He's... SANTANA'S MY BIG BABY!" Thana began to cry even louder.

Everyone on the plane looked in annoyance. Speedwagon mouthed "handle this" to Joseph.

Joseph sighed and dragged Thana with him. He went to bathroom and closed the door.

"This is gonna sound rude but, you're old enough to be my great great grandpa. I'm not comfortable doing this with you. Sorry." She says wiping her tears away.

"That's not why I called you here!" He yelled. "Look I don't know what weird relationship you have with Santana, but it's clear that he isn't a baby. He's a grown man that doesn't know you. What ever relationship you have with him in the future means nothing to him now."

"You brought me in the bathroom just to tell me that?"

"Of course not. You were being loud and disturbing the other passengers."

"I don't usually go on planes."

"I don't care, just calm down will ya?"

"Will do chief!"

'Geez. And I thought I was unstable. I hope all the pillar men aren't like that.' Joseph thought to himself.

The group arrived in Italy a few hours later.

Thana POV

"WOAH, THIS IS ITALY!?" I say looking around in amazement. So many smells and sounds I've never experienced.

"Thana, can't you fly? You've never been to Italy in your time?" Joseph asks me.

"No. It's actually pretty dangerous for me to fly out the country in the future. Let's just say traveling out the country is tricky no matter how you get there. It doesn't help that there's no record of my birth. Technically I don't exist and so I can't get a real passport."

Speedwagon had separated from us, so Joseph and I went to lunch and he paid. Then he started acting like a dumb ass. He jacked up some waiter over squid ink on pasta. "Jojo, chill! It's squid ink! It's supposed to be like that, let the man go!" I said to Joseph.

Joseph turned to the waiter. "Is this true?" He asked intimidatingly.

The waiter nods. "Y-yes. And it's quite delicious."

Joseph lets go and tastes the food. "Wow! This is pretty good!" He says while stuffing his face and getting food all over his face.

"Geez I thought you were cool." I say taking a bite out of my food.

"Hey! I am cool!"

"...In your own way I guess."

"You're one to talk."

"Woah now, I'm very cool. I just have extreme internal issues"


While we were eating, a blonde at another table started talking shit. Something about, "They just let anyone in these days." Or whatever

"Oi. Joseph. Is that guy talking about us?" I asked.

"Yeah I think so... Jerk." Me and Joseph glared at him.

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