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Third person POV

"If mermaids are real then they wouldn't have hair." Lyra speaks in a "mater of fact" tone.

"Whaaat? No way. The little mermaid has hair." Thana interjects.

The two girls sat by the wall of the cave while three of the pillar men sit away from them. Kars was outside getting food for Thana. "If mermaids had hair, they'd be mammals right? Sea mammals have to come up for air and that's how people knew they existed. No one has ever seen a real mermaid so if they are real they would be scaley all over."

"Hm... Well that's a let down. I still want to see one.

"What if they try to eat you?"

"Then I'll eat them."

"...makes since."

"Thana." Esidisi spoke. Thana face went pale and she instinctively grabbed Lyra. "It's just me." Esidisi said in a comforting tone.

Thana calmed down and sat back in her place. "Sorry... Um... What did you need?"

"I wanted to see how your arm is doing."

"Oh... It's fine..." Thana refused to look at anyone other than Lyra. She understood that they wanted to protect her but they were willing to kill a kid without hesitation.

Esidisi looked at Lyra and Thana seemed to notice. Thana grabbed her hand. "I'm not gonna hurt her." He said reassuring the girl. "What is your name girl?" He asked.

"L-lyra" she stuttered.

"Lyra? That's a very pretty name. How old are you? You seem a little young to be out here alone."

"I'm ten... And I came out here to find my Que- to find Thana, and bring her back with me. But she promised that she'd come back with me after she was done helping you."

"Really now?" Esidisi looks at Thana.

"Yeah." Thana began. "Believe it or not her species needs my help apparently. Not only that, it seems her masters know me."

"What exactly is her species?"

"Cheri Mouri. It's like a zombie, but they still age."

"Fascinating! So how did she become like this?"

"My master L brought me back!" Lyra answers cheerfully. "But I don't know how. Only one of us knows how and it's my other master G."

"Back you say? what do you mean back? Were you gone? As in perished?" Lyra nods her head to Esidisi.

"She said she was two or three and she doesn't remember it. She drowned..."

Thana and Lyra look up in surprise when Esidisi sniffing and weeping. "H-hey mister! It's ok!" Lyra spoke. "Thana can help me be alive again. I'll be a normal human and I'll be able to be around other humans and find my parents! So everything will be fine. It'll be like I never died." Esidisi just cried even louder. "Uh..."

"It's fine. Esidisi does this often. I guess I'll have to introduce you to my other friends." Thana pulls Lyra away from Esidisi.

Lyra spoke and got along with Wamuu and Wamuu was pretty fond of the girl, although, Thana got a little jealous. "I see you're much nicer to her than me huh???"

"Thana she is a child and even if she weren't, I'd still be nicer to her because you are in fact a nuisance." Wamuu responds boredly causing Thana to gasp dramatically.

When it was time to introduce Santana he was surprisingly uninterested. Lyra didn't mind but Thana was confused. She'd talk to him later about it. "Thana... I have an issue..." Lyra said tugging Thana. "I have to use the rest room."

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