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A/n (filler. And bonding time!... Yaaay!)

Third person POV

The four Pillarmen, the Pillarman/ human hybrid, and the "Zombie" walked for hours the next night.

"How do you even know where these items are?" Thana asked annoyed.

"I there'll be at a facility up north holding the masks. As for the stone, it was destroyed, but it is possible to remake one." Kars responds.

"A facility?" Lyra asks.

"I believe it belonged to something called... The speed wagon foundation."

Lyra halted gasped, causing everyone to stop. "My master used to work for them! He taught me about its origins and the founder!"

"Well that's pretty useful isn't it?" Kars said slightly annoyed and Thana wasn't very fond of his tone.

"You don't have to be a dick. It was something she just wanted to point out." Thana spat.

"Well I'm sorry, but the statement was  irrelevant."

"Your attitude towards a little girl is irrelevant!"

Lyra became nervous and thought that the situation was her fault. "It's fine Thana. I don't even know why I said that." Lyra thought she was preventing and argument but Thana just got angrier.

"Are you happy?! You made a child insecure about talking!"

"I'm not-" Lyra began but was cut off by Kars.

"Why does it matter? If you don't have anything important to say, then don't say anything at all. Is that so hard?"

"She can start a normal conversation, Kars!"

"But being dramatic and making us all stop is unnecessary."

"So what!? She stopped us for two seconds! Its not the end of the world!"

Lyra and the other Pillarmen stand in an awkward silence as the two began to argue.

"Again with the yelling. You don't have to yell whenever you disagree with me. You're in your twenties now. Act like it."

"I only do so because apparently being nice is so foreign to you, you go out of your way to be an ass and then apologize later! And don't lecture me about being a grown up!"

Kars got a little irritated and rose his voice. "Oh is that so? At least I don't run off and cry because daddy won't let her have a pet monster!"

"She's a person you dick! Will it kill you to have common decency for once?!"

"She's not a person Vera! She's Not even alive!"



"OK. I think that's enough." Esidisi said stepping in front of the two. "We should stop to rest. Daylight will be coming soon. Um... Look! We can stay there! This time it's something far more appealing."

The group walked up to a frozen waterfall. "It's pretty, but how is it suppose to protect us?" Thana asked.

"There is a cave behind it." Esidisi said with excitement.

Kars looked as if he wanted to argue but sighed. "Fine. We shall stop here."

Once the group got in the cave, Thana waited for Lyra to fall asleep. "I'm going out." She says walking towards one of the cave openings.

"Wait, you're leaving the girl!?" Wamuu says.

Thana turns back for a second and looks at the sleeping child. "I trust you guys." She said before flying out of the cave.

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