chicken blocking

288 17 10

Short chapter I guess.

Thana POV

"I smell cake..."

I roll over to the door and peak out.

I'm pretty sure it's night time. Probably around midnight.

I walk out the room and see all the lights off and no one around. "Where the hell is that cake smell coming from?"

In the middle of the floor was a lavender and white cake with two candles that says 21. "Oh. It's my birthday! Haha cool! Did I miss my own party? God dammit!"

"Hi Vera." I turned and saw a little boy with blonde hair.

"N-no. I-it can't be. Y-you-"

"Yes Vera. I'm dead. And it's all your fault."

"Gabriel, I'm so sorry." I buried my head in my hands.

"Thana, it's ok sweet heart."

I know that voice. "Ma-"

"Be happy. I died a young mom and you get to live for probably forever. Happy Birthday~ let's celebrate the anniversary of when I was chased out of society."

I looked up and saw a woman who looked exactly like my mom.

"You aren't my mom!" I yell. "My mom would never call me Thana! She never knew that name!"

I was now in a white room. And a gun sat in front of me. "What are you waiting for?" A voice I don't recognize said. "You blame your father for what has happened, but him and his people have shown you nothing but kindness, yet you keep sticking up for and defending these humans. Your mother was kind yes, but who killed her? Who cut her off? Who killed your best friend? And who killed your cousin? Humans. Humans did it. They can't be changed. thousands of years have gone by and they still can't seem to get it right?"

"Not all humans are like that!" I respond.

"So what? Not all humans are bad, but not all of them are good. If half your brain is dying, does it matter that the other half is working? No. The whole body is doomed."

"And what? You want me to kill everyone? like hell I will."

"Who else has to die for you to understand? I don't want you to kill everyone. I want you to control them."

I jolt up gasping for air and realize, I'm back in the house...

"It was just a dream?"

"Thana, are you ok?" Lyra asked me, rubbing her eyes.

"Today is my birthday."


"I need a drink." I stand up and walk out of the room.

"Well happy birthday." Lyra calls out.

Once outside I walked to the nearest store.

The moon was still out but the house Was really quiet, so it must be morning time.

"Where are you going?" I turn and see Wamuu.

"Oh hey. It's you. I'm just going to get myself a birthday present."


"Kars and Esidisi never told you what that was?"

"I'm afraid not."

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