Will Things Ever Be The Same?

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You sat aboard the train, gazing out the window at Resembool being left behind. You felt absolutely defeated as you let out a soft sigh. Since Envy no longer wanted you around, you had figured it was time you headed home. Winry and Ed had tried to convince you to stay, but you knew better. It was better for you to head home and resume your old life again. You didn't know if things between you and Envy would be okay, but did it even matter anymore? Nothing you could say would convince Envy that it was all an accident. A horrible, unbearable accident that just ruined your entire life! When did things go so wrong?

You hadn't noticed it, but you had started tearing up. The tears escaped from your eyes just as someone sat down across from you.

"Are you alright?" The woman asked, digging through her purse to pull out a handkerchief. She offered it to you which you politely took to dry your eyes.

"Yes, yes, I'm alright." You replied. "I just...had a misunderstanding with my boyfriend." You mustered up a small smile, attempting to convince the woman and yourself that it wasn't that bad.

She had a concerned look upon her face as she continued, "Well, if you're sure then I won't push the matter. I do hope things work out between you and your boyfriend." She smiled kindly at you as you returned the handkerchief. The woman then returned to minding her own business silently, leaving you to your thoughts.

You watched the countryside pass by out the window. You thought about Envy, wondering if he was thinking of you two. Every couple has fights, right? This is perfectly normal, I'm sure of it... You thought. You wondered if things would ever be the same between you two even if you did get over this fight because right then, it felt like nothing was right in the world. It felt like nothing would ever be right again and that this may mean the end.

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