"We're 'close' friends." || Chapter one.

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"Objection!" Miles looked smug, looking at Phoenix, he began to explain his error.

"You see, Mr. Wright, you've made a common error."

"I...I have?" Phoenix looked exhausted: the two of them have been objecting each other throughout this trial, Phoenix couldn't even stop to think before he heard Miles' voice ring out.

"Indeed, you stated that the witness could have been at the crime scene at the time of the murder, yes?"


"However, my witness has an alibi. They were meeting with a friend!"

"Urk!" Phoenix was surprised he missed over that important detail, but he had to have been at the crime scene or else his client would be found guilty. 

"Therefore, the only person there at the scene of the crime was the defendant! Who else could have murdered the victim?" Miles looked incredibly smug, he knew he was going to win, so did Phoenix.

"Well, you see, er..."

"My point precisely. Your Honour!"

"Yes, it does seem that the defendant would have been the only one to commit the crime. Therefore, I shall make my verdict." The Judge looked at Phoenix, expecting an objection.

For once, Phoenix admitted his defeat as the Judge banged down his gravel.

"I see no reason to prolong this trial. The defence has not given a sufficient argument supporting the defendant's innocence. Therefore, I declare the defendant guilty. This court is hereby adjourned."

Miles looked at Phoenix smugly as he elegantly walked out of the courtroom. Phoenix looks back at him as he hears the defendant threatening Miles distantly.

"Nick~! We lost to Mr. Edgeworth!" Maya looked tearful as she hears the defendant cry out as well as Phoenix.

"Yes, Maya, we did."

"Shall we go ask him to eat with us to rub it in his face that we don't care?" Maya looks determined to avenge Phoenix's loss.

"Sure, do what you want." Phoenix tried to sound casual, but he was extremely glad Maya asked that; he had wanted to go somewhere with Miles since they first encountered one another.

"Mr. Edgeworth~! Wanna come eat with me and Nick? Please?"

Miles shot a questionable look at Phoenix, wondering why Maya suddenly asked. Phoenix looked away, trying to hide his blushing cheeks. 'You're blushing because you're embarrassed,' Phoenix thought to himself. 'You don't like him, he's your rival, for heaven's sake.' 

"Oh, ah, sure. I didn't have anything planned anyways."

"Yay! Nick, Mr. Edgeworth is going to eat with us!"

"Hm? Oh, that's...great, Maya."

Miles gazed at Phoenix, taking in his expression.

"Are you okay with me going?" Miles' voice softened, his eyes softly looking into Phoenix's eyes.

"Y-Yes!" Phoenix's face went red.

"Then shall we?" 


Maya looked intently at Phoenix's blushed face and scanned Miles' eyes.

"A-Actually, I have some practising to do! You two go on!" Maya grinned mischievously.

Miles nodded as Phoenix's eyes widened. He would be left with Miles to eat, on his own! Miles started to walk towards his car, expecting Phoenix to follow. Slowly, Phoenix began to follow Miles with stained cheeks. 

"No need to be anxious, Wright," Miles looked Phoenix with his old, cold eyes.

"I'm not anxious!"

"You're blushing."

Miles walked back to Phoenix and edged his face closer to Phoenix's as he draped his hand on his shoulder. Phoenix's face went redder with every second.

"Hm.." Miles began to smirk. "Are you sure? You look quite red from here. Perhaps you can get redder.."

Phoenix edged away from Miles, his face bright red as Miles smirked fully.

"Ha...ha...that's, er, quite...close, Miles..."

"Not as close as this."

Miles moved forwards.

"How's this?"


Wow, okay, I'm just obsessed with this ship, not gonna lie. This was a little cringeworthy, but whatever. Have a good day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now