"Cold and distant." || Chapter two.

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Miles smirked as he was an inch away from Phoenix's face.

"M-Miles, what you doing, aha...?" Phoenix began edging away from him, scanning the area.

Miles let out a smug laugh as he turned away, walking towards his car.

"My intention was to make you feel uncomfortable, so you would free me of this unease and doubt I had." Miles looked back at him.

"Now, are you hungry?"

Phoenix breathed a sigh of relief. Not anymore, Edgeworth! You frightened me..

"Not really.."

"Then I shall be on my way. Oh, and tell Maya her intentions were very clear."


"Please. She clearly wanted us to be alone, therefore one could class it as a date." Miles' old expression returned: cold, distant, not the expression Phoenix knew when they were children.

"Well, that certainly wasn't my intention." Phoenix looked away, scared of sounding as cold as Miles did.


Miles stepped into his car and took one last look at Phoenix, who was looking at him with locked eyes.

"Goodbye, Wright."

"Goodbye, Edgeworth."

Miles drove away with thoughts circling his mind. Why did I do that? We could have had a nice dinner, reminiscing about when we were younger, before... Miles stopped. He was not going to think about that incident, it had already ruined him twice. Once when it happened and then when Phoenix forced it out in court.

Miles gritted his teeth, he just needed to get to the Prosecutor's Office. Then, he could get his work done.

Phoenix, on the other hand, was already in his office while Maya grabbed food for both of them. He remembered when Miles and him played in the playground, pretending to be the Signal Samurai. Phoenix was blue, Larry was yellow, and Miles red. They were close friends and did everything together, so why was Miles acting cold and distant now? In addition, how could Phoenix face Miles again? Especially not when Phoenix knew why he was blushing, as much as he tried to deny it.

"Nick? What are you doing back?" Maya came back with food and looked confused.

"We weren't hungry, so I came back and I assume Miles went back to the Prosecutor's Office."

"Nick~! I set that out so you guys could catch up properly, you guys barely talked when we celebrated the victory of Mr. Edgeworth's trial, except when you guys went outside."

Phoenix sat up quickly. He still remembered what happened, though he never mentioned it to Miles, and Miles never mentioned it to Phoenix.

"Nick? Did something happen when you were outside?"

"N-No! Of course not! Maya, for heaven's sake, we're rivals. Just drop it, alright?"


Phoenix stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'm going for a walk."


Wow, I'm so sorry this took too long, my tests are next week, so I was studying and then I was sick. Anyways, here it is. I'll try to get the next one up soon. Thanks for understanding and sorry this took like a month, oml. Anyways, have a nice day! <3

&quot;Formal Love.&quot; || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now