"Perfect planning." || Chapter ten.

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Phoenix was beaming with happiness, his face lit up as he quickly ran to Maya to tell her the news. However, when he tried to go to Maya, he got a furious female prosecutor yelling at him.

"You foolish fool! You, my brother...! I can not believe either of you! Did I say you could seduce my brother? No! No, I did not!" Franziska began to yell at him as Maya mocked Franziska's anger, causing a stifled laugh from Phoenix.

"Er...Not sure what to say to that.." Phoenix gave a sheepish smile, desperately trying not to laugh. 

"Oh, you're not sure?! I can't believe it! My own brother with a defence attorn-" Franziska was cut off by a familiar voice behind Phoenix.

"I apologize for interrupting you, sister," It was, of course, Miles, coming to rescue Phoenix from his sister's yells. "But I would like to inform you that Phoenix and I are not together, we are merely going on a date," Maya began to cheer quietly as Franziska glared at her. "Furthermore, I do believe that it is my choice who I go on dates with, is it not? If I choose to go on a date with a defence attorney, then I will go on a date with a defence attorney, regardless of my career," The male prosecutor did his smug bow before continuing. "And with that, the prosecution rests."

"I declare that Mr. Edgeworth and Nick are...able to go on a date!" Maya cheered happily as Phoenix laughed at her comment, still glowing with happiness. It was only a date, but it seemed to mean the world to him. 

"You forgot to ask if the defence had any objections, Maya." Phoenix added.

"Oh. The verdict has been delivered, I refuse to overturn it!" Maya announced.

Miles smirked at Franziska, who walked away, defeated, but not without a determined gleam in her eyes. The man simply chuckled quietly before going to her to talk about what had happened. Phoenix, however, was not given a chance to breathe as Maya bombarded him immediately.

"Oh my gosh, you guys kissed! You can't deny it, Franziska and I saw it! Then he must've asked you on a date! We could see you blush from down here! Then Mr. Edgeworth turned around and then you kissed and booped his nose! Wow! This is so cool~! Wait until I tell Pearl that you and Mr. Edgeworth are going a date!"

"Yep, that's what happened...now can you please take a breath and let me breathe?" Phoenix sighed but then smiled fondly.

The defence attorney checked his watch, only to find it was 11:30 AM. "Ah, we'd better get to the office, Maya."

"Awh...I really wanted to spend time with Franziska..." Maya looked deflated, all her hype gone.

"Fine, you can stay here and I can make my way to the office, if we get a client I'll call you, alright?" 

"Yes! Thanks, Nick, you're the best! I'll tell the others!" Maya bundled off and began to give everyone the news. Miles turned around and gave Phoenix a small smile, as if saying goodbye. Phoenix beamed back at him before walking to his apartment, changing into his suit, and walking to his office.

"Looks like your date's gone, brother." Franziska said stiffly.

"Looks like he has, I suppose I had better get to the office as well," Miles had began to walk away before turning around. "I shall leave you two alone."

Miles was met with flustered responses, he simply laughed and got in his car before going to his apartment, changing into his suit, and then he began to think about his date with Phoenix.

"Phoenix is a simple kind of person, a fancy restaurant probably won't fit well with him.." Miles spoke his thoughts as he began to rack his brain for ideas, using his logic. "We just went to the beach, I can't stand fairs, I don't want it to be too causal, so what do I do..?"

Lucky for him, Phoenix texted him with exactly the answer:

Phoenix: hey, miles! i just wanted to ask what we were going to do for the date.

Miles: I was thinking about that and I can't decide.

Phoenix: hm, maybe we could go to a restaurant?? i'm not really good at this, lol.

Miles: That sounds promising, but maybe...

Phoenix: maybe...??

Miles: I got it. How would you like to go to a restaurant, like you suggested, and then a walk in the park, perhaps?

Phoenix: that sounds cool, miles! must not have been a walk in the park trying to come up with that answer, huh?

Miles: I'll see you tonight.

Miles sighed at Phoenix's pun before smiling fondly at it. He really is a dork, isn't he? Miles thought.


Heyy! This was fun to write, though I had to think about their perfect date. If you have an idea, let me know so I can put it in for future dates. Anyways, have an amazing day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now