"Compliments." || Chapter nine.

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Phoenix was redder than the hot sun gazing down on them as Miles held his gaze. Had Miles Edgeworth just ask him out on a date?! His childhood friend, his rival in the courtroom! Miles Edgeworth, probably one of the most arrogant people he knew, one of the most formal people he knew, one of the most cold and distant people he knew, just asked him, Phoenix Wright, on a date!

However, there were positives about him: he certainly knew how to make Phoenix go bright red, he was caring, loyal, and, although he hid it quite well, he was quite flustered when anyone complimented him, except when it was about his career, he knew he was the best and showed it off as subtle, yet as noticeable as he could. Phoenix knew Miles was aspirational, he was his reason not only for the attorney feeling so lost when he left as a child and when he 'died', but also his reason for his answer.

"I...would like to go on a...date with you, Miles." Phoenix avoided Miles' gaze and bit his lip, expecting it to be a joke, like that day both men were set up on a 'date' by Maya.

"Then it's settled," Miles gave a small smile as his face blushed a little red, but this time he didn't hide it. Why, you may ask? He felt comfortable not keeping his flaws locked away because, he...trusted him. Hm, who knew this day would come? Me trusting Phoenix Wright in adulthood, Miles thought. "I shall pick you up at your house at 7 PM, Maya gave me your address in a thought I would visit you. That was a few months ago, so the day has finally come."

Of course she did. Phoenix thought. "Y-Yeah, guess it has," Phoenix stopped for a moment before turning to his childhood friend and finally returning his gaze. "Miles, can I ask you something?"

"You can, yes." Miles calmly said.

"Why do you want me, of all people, to go on a date with you? And don't answer you don't know or anything cliché." Phoenix looked defeated, it looks as if he finally didn't know an answer for someone's motive. Miles, however, had known ever since he saw Phoenix's blushing face that drunken night.

"Phoenix, you don't give yourself enough credit: you say you are nothing compared to me, but I strongly disagree. You always fight for justice and you don't give up. Even if that means getting your client a guilty verdict, because you know it's the truth. You're not like other lawyers who simply get their side to win," Miles looked away now and turned around, he didn't like complimenting people, but if Phoenix felt this bad compared to him, he might make this one exception. "And it's not just in court - you are a supportive, loyal, and caring friend. You always have either a kind word for everyone, or a sarcastic comment for Miss Fey," Phoenix laughed. "You are humorous and not to mention handsome." Miles smirked as Phoenix blushed.

"This is the first time you've ever complimented me, thank you, Miles." Phoenix smiled, booped Miles on the nose before quickly kissing it and walking down the cliff.

"I forgot to add petulant." Miles sighed.


Oh my gosh, I am so sorry this is all mainly paragraphs, I kinda wanted to show a more sweeter side of Miles, because I think he's a typical 'cold on the outside, warm on the inside' person. Also, I just wanted to bring notice to the little roleplay thing in the comments of chapter seven and chapter three, oh my gosh, it's so amazing and adorable, please read it. Anyways, have a nice day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now