"Something special." || Chapter fifteen.

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Tears rolled down Phoenix's face. Was this actually happening? Sure enough, the prosecutor was smiling softly at the attorney and holding out a bouquet of roses under glittery lights, but Phoenix was fearful of it all being a joke. He knew he truly loved Miles, everyone could see that, it was clearly no secret. Everyone could see how his face lit up when Miles was in the room, how his cheeks went into a little red blush every time the prosecutor spoke to him, how he smiled cutely at whatever Miles said. It was obvious. So, why now, was he having such a difficult time saying yes?

"I..." Phoenix was still crying, but he was unsure if it was tears of joy or nervousness.

"Don't cry," Miles reached for his handkerchief and lightly dabbed Phoenix's eyes. "Someone as strong as you surely doesn't cry?"

"Yes..." Phoenix whispered. 

"Yes, someone as strong as you doesn't cry," Miles gazed into Phoenix's eyes. "Or, yes, you will be my boyfriend?"

"Yes...I will be your boyfriend..." Phoenix was still whispering and he rushed to hug Miles, making him fall over.

"Gah...! Phoenix...you're....crushing me..." Miles gasped for air as the attorney hugged him tightly.

Phoenix giggled. "Sorry, I'm just happy..!"

"They're a couple!"

Suddenly, Franziska, Maya, Larry, Gumshoe, Ema, Lana, Pearl, and Maggey all came running out of the hallways. Maya, Pearl, Maggey, and Ema were cheering. The two female prosecutors smiled happily. Larry and Gumshoe, however, were crying tears of joy.

"Congratulations, Edgeworth and Mr. Wright," Lana was the first to come forward and speak. "I wish you the best future in your relationship." 

"Yeah! I always knew you guys were gonna be together! Signal Red and Signal Blue just go together!" Larry yelled joyfully before coming up to them both and grinning from ear to ear.

"Mr. Nick! Mr. Edgeworth asked me how to ask you, and I helped him! I'm kinda to blame for you guys getting together, so I must get some sort of present!" Pearl ran up to them both and gave Phoenix a big hug.

"Pearls! Give them some space," Maya carefully grabbed her cousin and grinned mischievously at Phoenix. "I helped Mr. Edgeworth make the clues and with setting up! I hope you liked it!"

"Indeed, and it was all thanks to your sister, Miss Mia Fey." Miles finally was able to speak without everyone crowding around them, crying with joy (*cough gumshoe and larry), cheering, or simply smiling. 

"My sister?" Maya was confused.

"Yes, she gave me the answer."

"Wow! Go, sis!" Maya grinned.

Sniffing, Gumshoe ran up to them. "Mr. Edgeworth! I always knew *sniff* that you guys were made for each other!"

Ema and Maggey cheered happily.

"My brother dating a foolish defence attorney...I never thought I would see the day." Franziska smiled, and began to tease her brother relentlessly.

"Yes, and us 'foolish defence attorneys' don't exactly appreciate getting whipped in the face!" Phoenix winced as he remembered Franziska's whip.

"Hmph." Franziska turned away and flounced off to Maya.

"Let's take a photo!" Maya grinned as she brought everyone in.

Larry made a peace sign with his tongue sticking out, Lana smiled, Miles held Phoenix, and, at the last moment, Phoenix kissed Miles' cheek. Maya and Franziska were holding hands and lifted them up, Gumshoe was still in his sniffing stage, but he attempted to try and go to Maggey, who went and posed with Ema instead, doing two llama signs with their hand. Pearl then ran to the front and posed with her hands on her hips and grinning.

However, at the last moment, Mia flickered in and winked.

This was going to be the start of something special.


Ahhh! This was so fun to write! It's not over, though! I'm going to write about their relationship and how I think it would be like. I hope you have enjoyed the storyline, thank you so much for reading this! Have an awesome day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now