"Too many questions." || Chapter four.

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"Gah!" Phoenix jumped as he saw the man he was with that night.

"I'm not quite convinced 'Gah!' is the answer to my question, but, then again, you are Phoenix Wright." Miles cracked a small smile, before having his usual expression again.

"You...you scared me," Phoenix looked over at Miles in confusion. "What are you doing here, anyways?"

"Wright, I asked you that question and you did not answer, what makes you think I'll answer your question now?"

"Fine, I was just...recalling what happened." Phoenix didn't dare to steal a glance at Miles, they had both never mentioned their kiss to anyone, including one another; Phoenix was scared about what Miles' reaction may be. Miles smirked.

"On my celebratory evening?" Miles was looking straight at Phoenix and seemed to be edging closer. "I feel honoured Mr. Phoenix Wright, a known defence attorney, remembered such a moment."

"Hah, hah, Edgeworth."

"Anyways, you answered my question, so I will answer yours. I was here becau-"

"Stop." Phoenix turned towards Miles and looked at him in the eyes, locking in {ha, kubz scouts reference}. "That's not the question I wanted to ask you."

"Oh?" Miles stopped and held Phoenix's gaze, forcing Phoenix to back down in surprise.

"I want to know why you kissed me. You could've carried on questioning me, I wouldn't have said it, or you could have shrugged and walked away. You didn't need to kiss me. I assume it was out of pity."

Miles scoffed. "Please, Phoenix. Why would I kiss someone I pitied? That is absurd and would send the wrong message," Miles' hand draped Phoenix's face. "Ah, but you, Phoenix Wright, are someone that I would kiss." Miles kept his intense gaze on Phoenix, who was left speechless and red.

"May I ask a question this time?" Miles broke the gaze and put his hand on his lap.


"Why did you think I pitied you?"

"Edgeworth, do I really have to answer that?" Phoenix complained, he was sure the prosecutor simply wanted compliments, but a question is a question. "Urgh. Fine. Well, first off, you're a big-time prosecutor, you pretty much always get a guilty verdict, you have an air of 'I'm better than you so don't talk to me'," Miles chuckled at that and Phoenix carried on. "Secondly, why would someone like you even be the slightest bit interested in someone like me?"

Miles paused, before leaning in, their faces so close Phoenix could feel Miles' hot breath.

"Because, Phoenix, someone like you is a lot better than you think."

Phoenix said nothing, before sighing.

"You always get your way."

"Aha, perhaps so, but if I had may way right now, we wouldn't be talking."

"Oh, yeah? What we be doing then?" Phoenix rolled his eyes, expecting something like 'Working, now come along.'

"This." Their lips locked, at first, Phoenix was in shock, before kissing back as they both were enchanted by one another.


Hi! So, I saw this little roleplay kinda thing in the comments and decided to make it in a small part, but the Miles in my story is like smooth as butter (wink), so him denying liking Phoenix kinda doesn't fit with my character, but it was still too cool not to make a little extra bit. This technically isn't in the story, but, like I said, it was too cool and magical not to just add this bit. You may skip this if you wish. Here you are, and have a nice day!

"Miles Edgeworth! I cannot believe you..!" A voice startled them both, causing Phoenix to fall backwards and hit his head.

"Ow...I wouldn't like to get brain damage this year, thanks." Phoenix rolled his eyes again, Miles chuckled and then looked at the figure. Please don't say it's Franziska, please...

"You foolish fool!" And it's Franziska.

"Franziska, always a pleasure, though I would prefer it if you not interrupt me at such a time." Miles said it with a small smile as he looked at his sister (who, fortunately, was not carrying her signature whip).

"Indeed, now let me talk to you!" 

"Fine." Miles nodded apologetically at Phoenix before heading over to where she was standing.

"Yes, my sister?"

"I can't believe you never told me."

"Never told you what?"

"That you like Mr. Phoenix Wright!"

Miles went as red as his suit. "I do not like Phoenix! Now, I would prefer it if you kept what you saw to yourself and quit interrupting me."

"You were kissing him, how can you not like him?"

"Franziska! Hush, now."

"You so like him."

"No, I do not! Please quit this, now."

"Fine, but I will prove this!" Franziska flounced off with a determined grin on her face. Miles sighed and walked back to Phoenix. 

"Now, may we continue?"

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now