"Clues!" || Chapter fourteen.

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"Wait, what?!" Maya was shocked, she'd never seen the prosecutor be so bold before. "Did you just say what I think you just said?!"

"It appears so." Miles was trying to remain calm and make sure Maya thought him as elegant, but that was a little hard at the moment.

"W-Well, okay.." Maya was still trying to take it in, but she knew she had to give him an answer. "So, Nick is a cheesy, sappy kinda guy, you know? He loves anything romantic, so, er, perhaps give him a bouquet of roses or something..?"

"Tsk, I never would've took Phoenix to be the sappy type." Miles was lying, of course, he just wanted Maya to feel as if she gave him some useful information.

"Please! He is so sappy. Glad I could help!" Maya was beaming, happy to have repaid Miles for when he saved her from contempt of court in his trial.

"Thank you for helping."

That was a waste of time. Miles thought. It couldn't be helped, though. Perhaps the bouquet of roses wasn't such a bad idea?

"Who should I try next..?" Miles said to himself. "Oh! I know. Perhaps Pearl would know something? Though, it would be best if I was able to contact Miss Mia Fey.."

Quickly, Miles dialled Pearl's number.

"Hello, Miss Fey?"

"Huh? Who's this?" Pearl was confused, no one ever called her Miss Fey.

"My name is Miles Edgeworth, I am a prosecutor and I sometimes work with Phoenix Wright. I wanted to ask you a question about him."

"Oh! Mr. Nick talked about you!" Pearl was smirking.

"He did?"

"Yes! It was so romantic..! You guys are destined for each other!"

"Aha, well, that's what I have come to talk to you about.."

"Huh?! You want to ask him out?"


"Well, just try and make a joke about it! Mr. Nick is funny!"

"Alright, thank you."

Hanging up, Miles sighed. Who else could he ask? Ema Skye hardly knew anything about the man, though they were partners in a case before, Gumshoe and Phoenix only talked when there is a case, if only he could talk to Mia. 

"Oh, you can." Mia's voice echoed and when Miles looked up, he saw a flicker of Mia.

"M-Miss Fey?"

"Hello, Edgeworth. I see you've been trying to get some advice about Phoenix, yes?"

"Indeed, your cousin and your sister told me information I already knew.."

"You need to turn your thinking around! Don't think about how to ask Phoenix out, just think of why you want to ask him out. The perfect way to ask him will come to you then."

"Think about why...?"

But Mia had gone, leaving Miles with his thoughts. Why did he want to ask Phoenix out? Well, Miles loved him. But why did he love him? Phoenix was sweet, kind, he had his own humour, he was a good lawyer, he sacrificed his whole career to save the prosecutor, he was cheesy, he admits when he's wrong, and he's so understanding. Phoenix always had a way to save the day, and loved an adventure...

"Aha!" Miles stood up, he finally had the answer! Now, he just needed to set it up.

Phoenix returned to the office with Maya watching Pink Princess. She kept smirking at him, and the attorney was confused.

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now