"Phone call." || Chapter thirteen.

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When Phoenix woke, he felt an aching pain in his back. Blinking, he began to take in where he was; the burgundy silk sheets were a massive clue. He realised he wasn't in his own room, it was too clean to be his. Plus, he didn't have a similar style as the person's room. He thought back to what happened and went bright red. 

Wait, this isn't...? Am I in...Miles' room?!  That thought dominated all the others as Phoenix remembered exactly what happened after their date. Sighing, Phoenix lifted his head up and searched for Miles. He wasn't there, his side of the bed was made neatly, his alarm clock switched off.

"8:34..? What time did he get up?" Phoenix sat up properly and saw clothes at the end of the bed. They were casual clothing: dark blue jeans, and a plain white T-Shirt. Phoenix chuckled, he had never seen the prosecutor looking casual before.

Putting the outfit on, Phoenix heard talking from what he assumed to be the kitchen.

"Brother! I want to take a look around, I want to see how you've decorated." Phoenix instantly knew this voice was Franziska's as he heard Miles' hurried reply.

"You may say after we have finished our work. I have to work now, so goodbye." Miles was anxious, not wanting Franziska to find out Phoenix was there.

"You're hiding something! Or someone.." Franziska knocked on Miles' bedroom door before opening it.

"Uh...hi," Phoenix awkwardly smiled at the shocked female prosecutor. "Your brother and I were reviewing a case when I spilt my drink on my clothes, so I had to borrow some of Miles'." Miles looked shocked at Phoenix's lie, Phoenix was also shocked at how fast he thought of the lie. It was as if he said it without even thinking.

"You see, Phoenix Wright, that would make sense, however," Franziska pointed at the bed. "One side of Miles' bed is unmade. My brother would never be so unneat!"

"It must have been my dog, sister," Miles stepped in. "You're right, I would never be so unneat, but I can assure you that there is nothing going on between Phoenix and I."

"Then how do you explain the kiss?" Franziska insisted. She didn't seem to be mad anymore, she just wanted her brother to admit that he did, in fact, like Phoenix.

"It was a one time thing. You cannot build a relationship off a kiss." Miles was lying, but Franziska didn't see through it.

"I...fine. I accept my defeat, for now."

Franziska was quickly left, wanting to hide her embarrassment from being defeated by both her brother and Phoenix.

"I'm sorry about her." Miles commented. He was looking at Phoenix dead in the eye.

"It's cool. Thanks for leaving me some of your clothes. I'll return them tomorrow!" Phoenix grinned happily.

"No, that's alright. You may keep them."

"Oh, okay," Phoenix went a slight red. "Thanks!"

"Yes, but it's cold outside, so you may wear a hoodie as well."

"No, no, that's not necessary!"

"I insist."

Miles grabbed a light red hoodie out of his closet and gave it to Phoenix before giving him a small smile. Gratefully, Phoenix put it on and smiled joyfully.

"It's cosy!" Phoenix wriggled around in it, comfortably.

"Yes, well, it is a hoodie." Miles couldn't resist smiling at Phoenix, though he quickly hid it. 

"I need to get back to the office now, thank you for the date!" Phoenix began to walk out of the door, leaving a blushing prosecutor behind.

"Yes, we should do it again sometime."

Phoenix nodded happily and walked out of Miles' house. Until, it hit him.

How was he supposed to explain this to Maya?!

"Oh, no, oh, no..!" Phoenix was trying to think of scenarios. This was going to be tough.

Miles took a deep breath. He was going to do it. Quickly, he rang Maya.

"Miss Fey?" Miles spoke first.

"Mr. Edgeworth? Why are you calling me?" Maya spoke over what seemed to be Pink Princess.

"Ah, yes, why am I calling you..? Well, I just wanted to talk to you about Phoenix." The prosecutor's nerves began to kick in.

"Oh, ho! Are you guys a couple yet?! I'm dying to know!"

"No, no, well, there is something I've been meaning to ask you.."


"How should I ask him out?"


Ooo, cliffhanger;). Anyways, this might be the last few chapters of this book, but it might not be! I hope you're having a lovely day, goodbye!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now