"Actions speak louder than words." || Chapter twelve.

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It was as if a million words was said in that one embrace. When they broke apart, Phoenix had tears in his eyes; he had never seen the prosecutor be so...affectionate. It was only a hug, they had kissed before, but this hug carried so much more emotion.

"Phoenix?" Miles softly spoke in the darkness.

Phoenix sniffed quietly.

"Phoenix, you're not crying, are you?" Miles quickly reached into his pocket and brought a handkerchief before wiping his date's teary eyes.

"I..I can't help it.." Phoenix was confused, and said so. "I don't understand why I'm crying...I think you're some sort of magician." Cracking a joke, Phoenix grinned whilst his eyes teared up.

"No, you're just highly sensitive." Miles kissed Phoenix's forehead before gazing into his eyes. 

They held their gaze for what seems like hours. No words needed to be spoken, they both knew how one another felt. It was just a question of who was going to make the first move. For once, Miles' confidence had left him alone with love. The emotion Miles used to hate. It was a simple cliché, he didn't believe in 'love at first sight'. It sounded too sappy and completely illogical. The prosecutor found love tedious, anyone could betray you, anyone could hurt you, he hated feeling weak, so if any of those happened, he would be destroyed. However, just at this moment, when he was gazing into Phoenix's eyes, perhaps love wasn't as sappy and cliché as he thought it was.

Phoenix, however, was trying to smile, but nerves held him back. He knew he was in love, so did Miles, but he just couldn't say it. The words got caught in a lump at the back of his throat. He hated having this feeling of powerlessness, it didn't suit him. Phoenix liked to have fun, joke around, not trapped feeling so awkward.

"We need to talk everything over. Would you like to come over to my house? It's getting cold." Miles finally broke the silence with his logic.

"Yes, I would like that," Phoenix smiled happily, before holding Miles' hand to his car. "Thank you."

Miles nodded simply as they arrived in his car. Yes, it was quite an expensive one, but Miles didn't care for it as much as he used to: it had indeed been a crime scene, the very crime where the prosecutor himself carried a body in his trunk without realising.

The drive was silent as they both took in the beauty of the city, and they finally arrived at Miles' house. They both entered the house and Miles turned to look at his date.

"Gah, this is difficult to say.." Miles began.

"Hm? What is?" Phoenix was confused.

"Phoenix, this is going to sound so cliché and I apologise for this, but I've never felt like this before...never," Miles turned around to hide his face. "I believe I'm.."

"Believe you're..?" Phoenix waited in anticipation.

"I'm sorry, I can't say it." 

Miles was ashamed, he had built up his courage for nothing. Suddenly, an idea hit him.

"But, actions do speak louder than words, do they not?"

"Yes, I suppose they do, wh-"

Phoenix was cut off as Miles kissed him, with more passion than the other kisses they shared. Surprised, Phoenix went red, but began to kiss back. He wanted to see where this went.

Oh, did it go somewhere.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Okay, so I am too awkward to be able to write smut, but I'm sure you can guess what I meant by "Oh, did it go somewhere." Sorry if it bothers you! I'm just really awkward, lol. Enough rambling, I hope you have a nice day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now