"Brother's boyfriend." || Chapter seven.

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Beep! Beep! Beep~!

"Ugh, what time is it...?" Phoenix raised his head from his pillow and turned off his alarm clock, only to find it was 6 AM. "6 AM? I haven't gotten up this early since high school.."

Slowly, Phoenix pulled himself out of bed and looked back at it longingly.

"Wait, why am I even getting up this early?" Phoenix thought back to yesterday before it clicked. "Oh, right! I'm 'accompanying' Miles to get Franziska." 

Phoenix immediately sprung into action, wanting to prove to Miles he could be on time. Phoenix took a shower and dressed in a shirt and trousers, hoping to impress Miles. He was ready and out of the door at 7 AM, leaving him half an hour to get to the airport. He briskly walked, wanting to be early, so he might be able to steal a few moments with the prosecutor.

At 7:25 AM, Phoenix arrived, only to find Miles and Maya were already there. Maya looked excited to see Franziska and Miles was checking his watch every few minutes, looking irritated.

"Nick! Hi!" Maya immediately jumped to Phoenix and started to talk rapidly to him, so rapidly he couldn't understand any of it.

"Hello, Phoenix," Miles turned to Phoenix and nodded. "My sister should be here in 5 minutes, although Miss Fey has been here since 6:30 AM." Ah, so that's why he was so irritated.

"Wow, Maya, looks like you really wanted to see Franziska, hm?" Phoenix grinned mischievously, and Maya turned red before turning her face to block it. Miles smirked.

"Y-Yeah, well, you can't say anything!" Maya desperately tried to defend herself.

"Trust me, Miss Fey, I can assure you that Franziska is probably one of the least people Phoenix would like to see. Furthermore, I don't believe defending yourself is a very intelligent move. Don't you agree, Phoenix?" Miles smirked at Phoenix as he remembered how Phoenix defended himself with Mia's trial.

"Oh, yeah? Who won that trial, Miles?" It was Phoenix's turn to smirk as Miles looked away, not saying anything.

Maya suddenly stopped as she saw a crowd of people coming through the gates, one of those people being Franziska.

"Franny!" Maya smiled joyfully and ran towards her. "You were gone so long!"

Miles and Phoenix stayed in the background as Franziska was shocked Maya was here.

"Hello, Maya. Do you know where my brother is?"

"Yep, he's right over there with Nick."

"Great, thank you."

Franziska walked towards Miles before turning a little red, thinking about Maya.

"Why is Miss Maya Fey here?"

"Oh, she wanted to come. It appears she missed you dreadfully." Miles smirked, and Phoenix smirked with him.

"Be quiet, you fool!" Franziska turned red and looked at Phoenix. "Oh, hello, brother's boyfriend."

Phoenix turned red and Miles looked away to hide his tinted face.

"Franziska, please." Miles attempted to sound unaffected, but his face said otherwise.

Franziska laughed. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, we shall," Miles began to walk away before looking at Phoenix and Maya. "Phoenix, Miss Fey, would you like to accompany us?"

"Sure." Phoenix tried to sound causal, but was still hot from Franziska's comment.

"Alright," Miles turned to Franziska. "What are we doing, then?"

"We're going to the beach!" Franziska announced.

Both Miles and Phoenix groaned, but Maya smiled, glad to be doing something with Franziska.

"Do we have to, sister? Why can't you and Maya go and me and Phoenix can catch up on some case files?" Miles looked annoyed with the idea of going to the beach.

"Yes, you have to! Now, quit moaning and come along." Franziska began to walk with Maya, whilst Phoenix and Miles stayed behind, when Miles suddenly stopped and turned to Phoenix.

"I apologise on behalf of my sister, Phoenix. Especially for her comment about us." Miles looked very irritated, but tried to keep his composure.

"It's fine, Miles." Phoenix smiled and Miles went a little red.

"Yes, well, I shall make up for it on the beach." Miles then began to walk again, and Phoenix had to quickly catch up with him before questioning what he said.

"What do you mean, 'make it up'?"

"You'll see." Miles smirked and walked to his car.


Wow, okay. Sorry this didn't have much Wrightworth, lol. Also, this chapter is kinda inspired from Wrightworth: Valentines shippers. I recommend reading it, though I think it's discontinued. Anyways, have a nice day!

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