"A single embrace." || Chapter eleven.

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Only one of the two men really had time to be nervous as the time approached: Miles needed to question if he's going to have to make Detective pay to work, instead of being paid as he was constantly doing and saying things wrongy, but his thought process always fell back to Phoenix, which led to Miles being ready by 5:25 PM, a good 2 hours and 5 minutes before his date. Phoenix was working on the bills This also mean at 7 PM, Phoenix began rushing around, spending most of the time debating about what he truly needed to do and what to wear.

At exactly 7:30, Phoenix heard a forceful knock on the door, he immediately began to sweat and his heart raced. Putting on another quick spray of deodorant, he opened the door to find a quite nervous prosecutor attempting to act elegantly.

"Good evening, Phoenix, are you ready? For the date, I mean." Miles was tripping up on his words and specifying every detail; Phoenix was surprised: he'd never seen the man nervous - only irritated, smug, or cold. Phoenix chuckled, he's cute when he's flustered. That thought swirled through his mind as he nodded and walked with his date.

"I've made a reservation at the new restaurant, we are expected to be there at 7:45 PM." Miles had cleared his throat and finally spoke in his 'I'm trying to act calm, but, oh my God, am I stressed' voice that made a pink blush spread across the defence attorney's face.

"You know you didn't have to go through all this trouble for me?" Phoenix looked down in embarrassment, but he was also pleased that Miles did go all through the trouble

His date smirked before doing his elegant bow. "Anything for you."

Now, Miles was acting like himself - smug, flirty with Phoenix, and elegant.

Walking into the restaurant, they both made it to their table with no hassle. That was until Phoenix saw the table and its location. It was outside and was situated on a balcony where you could see the sea and the moonlight. A single red rose was planted in the middle. Miles watched fondly as he saw his date's face light up in glee and wonder.

"I've said it once, and I'll say it again: you didn't have to go through all this trouble for me! This looks so beautiful, Miles. Thank you!" Phoenix rushed and gave Miles a hug. Immediately, the prosecutor went stiff: he didn't like PDA, although he didn't mind affection in private. Hesitantly, he put his arms around Phoenix before sitting down awkwardly. The defence attorney chuckled at his dislike for PDA as Phoenix liked to show everyone that this was who he was dating.

The waitress came and addressed them both formally before taking their orders and leaving the two men to talk.

"Hey, Miles." Phoenix began.


"Wanna hear a joke?"

"Not particularly, but I know you're going to tell me it anyways, so go ahead." Miles said, earning a laugh from Phoenix.

"Why does a lawyer go to a seamstress?" Phoenix was stifling a laugh, trying not to give the joke away.

"For the same reason anyone would go to the seamstress, but I assume that's not the answer, so I'm not sure."

"So he could get his clothes sued!" Phoenix begin his goofy laugh, causing a small chuckle from Miles.

"See! You laughed!" Phoenix triumphantly beamed.

"I was laughing at you, Phoenix."


The evening carried on like this: telling jokes, eating, and when they left Phoenix was gasping for air after he told one of his 'funny' puns, whilst Miles groaned at his jokes.

Walking towards the park, their conversation turned flirty and Miles, after checking no one was watching, intertwined his hand with Phoenix's and turned to him.



Miles didn't answer, he bit his lip nervously before looking at him and truly smiling. It was the one of the many few times Phoenix had saw Miles smile. He had only seen him smile when he was talking about his father as a child, saying how he wanted to be "just like him".

Phoenix's thoughts were cut off by Miles hugging him. It doesn't seem anything special, but both men's feelings were expressed in that one single hug.


Sorry for not being as active as I normally am! I've ran out of ideas and been swamped with homework now my exams are finished. I hope you're enjoying this, have a great day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now