"Remember, remember." || Chapter three.

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Rain poured down and cherry blossoms fell as Phoenix walked down the road, tears in his eyes. He knew where he was going to go: the place where Miles and Phoenix were alone at the celebratory dinner. 

Miles didn't go back to the Prosecutor's Office, he involuntarily drove to the same place where him and Phoenix...

Phoenix made it there first as he closed his eyes and looked back at what happened..

It was a happy night, everyone was smiling, drinking alcohol (except Miles, who only drank one glass of wine), and laughing. However, Phoenix looked troubled. Miles noticed and shot a questioning look at him. Phoenix just shook his head and looked away. Miles raised his eyebrows, got out of the booth and gestured Phoenix to follow him. Reluctantly, Phoenix followed.

Everyone was jostling around, so they didn't notice both of them missing, except Maya. However, in her half-drunken state, she overlooked it and carried on laughing at anything.

Rain poured down and cherry blossoms fell as they both stepped outside and Miles looked at Phoenix, concerned and confused.

"It's nothing, Edgeworth.." Phoenix looked away and felt his heart beat rapidly.

"Phoenix, we've known each other quite a long time now, I am able to tell when you're troubled. Therefore, may you please tell me what is the matter?"

Phoenix looked at Miles and bit his lip nervously. Miles noticed and raised his eyebrows in question.

"Look, just forget it, alright..? It really doesn't matter."

"It must matter, if you're so upset about it." Miles looked at Phoenix, who's cheeks began to go red as Miles suddenly realised what Phoenix was so upset about.

"Does it, perhaps, have anything to do with this?"

Miles held Phoenix's tie, brought him in closer and kissed Phoenix gently. Cherry blossoms fell on them, the rain creating a beautiful mood. Phoenix was in shock as his blushed cheeks began to go even redder. They both broke apart and looked at each other.

"Hey, you two~! Get in here~! We're hiccup gonna play Truth or Dare~!" Maya slurred on her words, clearly have drunk too much.

Miles and Phoenix looked at each other, when Miles walked towards the door to the diner.

"Come on, Phoenix. You did hear what Maya said, did you not?"

"Yes...I did."

They both went back in the diner and ignored what had just happened between them and played Truth or Dare with the others.

"Wright?" A voice softly spoke to him.

Phoenix opened his eyes and stopped imagining , before recoiling in shock.

"What are you doing here?" The voice again.


Okay, two chapters in one day, I'm so productive. :)) Also, Maya is 18 in this book thing, so she can drink, lol. Also, this is what I think happened on the dinner thing. Have a nice day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now