"Will you accompany me?" || Chapter six.

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Phoenix said nothing as his face went redder with every second as he gazed into Miles' grey eyes. Miles was smirking as he was aware of Phoenix's gazes, his face tinted a little red, but he was a ghost compared to Phoenix's face. Maya, however, was hiding behind a bush in order to observe what she had created. They were all silent for a few moments before Maya spoke.

"Oh, come on! I didn't push you guys together so you could stare at each other!" Maya indignantly stood up, not realizing she had just confessed to pushing Phoenix on purpose.

Phoenix glared at Maya, whilst Miles chuckled quietly.

"What would you like to see then, Miss Fey?" Miles looked at Maya intently, as if daring her to say anything wrong.

"Oh, er...nothing, Mr. Edgeworth! You and Nick should do this more often, you know?" Maya nervously laughed as Phoenix grinned triumphantly at her.

"I agree, and I'm not sure why you're looking so triumphant, Phoenix," Miles returned his gaze to Phoenix. "We still haven't fully said goodbye."

"S-Said goodbye...?" Phoenix was in fear of what crazy, yet logical thing Miles will come up with.

"Indeed," Miles held Phoenix up and tipped his face. "Goodbye, Phoenix." Miles whispered it smoothly.

"Y-Yep! Good...goodbye!" Phoenix was a blushing mess as Miles carefully released him from his grasp and walked away.

"Oh my gosh! Nick! You never told me you like Mr. Edgeworth!  I can not believe it!" Maya immediately jumped out of her bush and ran to Phoenix and started pulling on his sleeve. "You have to tell me everything! I mean it, Nick! Everything!"

"Okay, okay, Maya, calm down.." Phoenix was too busy thinking about Miles to respond properly.

"Come in, come in! Do tell me everything, now!" 

"Alright, alright, fine."

After summing up everything to Maya, including their two kisses, Phoenix was exhausted, but Maya was full of energy.

"Oh my gosh! You guys kissed! Wow, this is so cool!"

"Uh-huh, okay," Phoenix began to walk out the room before stopping. "Oh, yeah, Franziska's coming."

"H-Huh?! You left that one detail out?!" Maya began to have a tint of red on her face, thinking about Franziska.

"Yes, I did-" Phoenix looked at Maya closely and smiled. "Maybe you'll have some stories to tell me about you and her on her trip, huh?"

"Nick!" Maya went red and switched on Pink Princess again. "I'm not talking to you anymore!"

Phoenix laughed. "I'm off to go review this case before I get lectured by Miles again. Night!"

"Awh, you guys are so cute~!" Maya put her head in her hands, just like Pearl used to do when making a comment about her and Phoenix, but now Pearl has moved onto Phoenix and Miles after she saw them talking and Phoenix blushing.

"Thought you weren't talking to me?"

"Wha-" Maya suddenly realised her words. "Darn it!"

Phoenix chuckled and sat down on his chair before going through the case when his phone rang.

Ring~! Ring~!

Phoenix sighed before answering it.


"Hello, Phoenix." Miles' voice was as clear and confident as always, Phoenix was glad Miles was in the Prosecutor's Office, and not able to see his face flush a little red.

"Hi, Miles, why did you call?"

"I forgot to ask you if you would like to accompany me in picking my sister up from the airport."

"Oh, sure, what time is she landing?"

"7:30 AM."

"Ouch, that's early. Alright, I'll go."


"Oh, wait, Miles."


"Can Maya go? I think she's been looking forward to Franziska's return."

"Oh, really? Then, in that case, of course she can come." Miles smirked and realised what Phoenix was on about.

"Great, see you tomorrow, Miles."

"Goodbye, Phoenix."

Phoenix put the phone down before heading to where Maya was sat.

"Guess what? We're gonna go with Miles to pick Franziska up from the airport at 7:30 AM tomorrow. Be ready."

"Uh-huh," Maya was too intrigued by her show, when she suddenly realised what Phoenix had said. "Wait, what?!"

"Alright, glad to know you're coming. I'm going home."


"Bye, Maya!"

Phoenix walked out of the door to the office and made his way home, he just couldn't wait to see Miles.


Sorry for not uploading in a few days, I had my exams and I have one more on Monday, but I decided to quickly type this up, so I am sorry if this isn't the best. Anyways, I'm going to put some Maya Fey x Franziska Von Karma in this book, because it's just an amazing ship. Sorry this was mainly dialogue, lol. Have a nice day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now