"Memories." || Chapter five.

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That moment seemed to last a lifetime for both men, both mesmerised by what was going on. Miles had wanted to do this ever since their last kiss.

Ring~! Ring~!

It was Miles' phone, he pulled away and sighed, expecting Detective Gumshoe to be calling to  give him any useless information he could think of, Miles was surprised when he saw his sister's number flash up. 

"Why is Franziska calling?" Miles muttered to himself before picking it up.

"Hello, little brother." Franziska seemed to be moving about.

"Hello. If you do not mind me asking, why are you calling me?" Miles looked apologetically at Phoenix who nodded understandably.

"Well, I am on my way to your country. I shall be spending the week with you, Maya, and Phoenix."

"And you simply decided this now?"

"No, I decided yesterday. I am travelling right now. I shall be with you by tomorrow."

"Alright, where will you be staying?"

"In a hotel, don't worry, I will not be staying with you. I wouldn't want to interrupt you and Phoenix." That is what you just did, Franziska..!

"Hmph. Do you really have to tease me, we are not children anymore."

"There's a little petulance in us all."

Miles shook his head and hung up, Phoenix looked confused.

"Who's staying?" Phoenix asked.

"My sister."

Phoenix looked horrified.

"May you please tell her that us 'foolish' defence attorneys kind of don't like whip burns on our faces?"

Miles laughed at this.

"I'll try."

It was silent after that, no one knew what to say. The moment has passed, so Miles couldn't simply kiss him again, especially not while his sister was on his mind. 

"It's late, so I'm gonna head back to the office." Phoenix awkwardly said.

"Of course, we wouldn't want Phoenix Wright to be in any danger, now, would we?" Miles gazed into Phoenix's eyes, who stared coldly back at him. "It would be too agonising."

"Hah, hah, very funny."

Phoenix began to walk away as Miles stared after him, smiling at the sight of him.

"Besides, if you're really concerned about me getting in any danger," Phoenix stopped and turned back to look at Miles. "You would walk me to my office."

Miles smirked. "As you wish."

They both began to walk together, talking about their childhood, laughing, Phoenix blushing, Miles flirting subtly. They were at the office in no time, but still continued to talk.

"No, no, no, do you remember...do you remember.." Phoenix was spluttering with laughter. "When Larry tried to dance on the classroom table to try and impress everyone, but...but.." He couldn't finish his sentence he was laughing so much. Miles was laughing as well, remembering clear as day.

"Yes, yes, but he fell straight off and then a boy in our class caught him and he, thinking it was a girl, said passionately 'The roles have reversed: now you're my hero.' and the whole class collapsed."

They both laughed and Phoenix had to hold onto the wall as he gasped for air.

"Could you guys keep it down?! I'm trying to watch Pink Princess here!" Maya opened the door and looked angry.

"Sorry, Miss Fey, we were simply reminiscing about when we were in grade school together." Miles tried to sound elegant and calm, but couldn't as he was trying not to laugh.

"Oh! Mr. Edgeworth! It's okay!" Maya suddenly looked at them both and grinned smugly. "I need to go to the store!" Maya walked out the door, but not before pushing Phoenix, so he grabbed tightly onto Miles in order not to fall over. "Whoopsie! My mistake, Nick! I am so clumsy!"

Miles grabbed Phoenix's arm and held it above his face and grabbed his waist.

"M-Maya!" Phoenix was red, clearly embarrassed. However, Miles looked smug.

"You know, Phoenix, if you wanted this to happen, all you had to do is ask."


Okay, hi. This was super fun to write and just a heads up: I haven't fully played all the games yet, so I may not know how Franziska, Apollo, Trucy, etc act. I'll try to play as soon as I can. Anyways, thanks for all the support, have a nice day!

"Formal Love." || Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright.Where stories live. Discover now