Chapter 1 - Comfortable Numbness

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A/N -Self-harm and abuse will be in this chapter, so sorry! Also old art...

Third Person POV

           "This concludes your tour s-sir," A small dirty-blonde woman stammered at Red and Blue.                 "Thank you, Meghan, you can go back to your normal duties," The lady then ran off to her normal duties when Red began to explain the hierarchy of the Red Army.
             "At the bottom are the footsoldiers and initiates. After is the attendees, service people and assistants," Red pauses for a moment, "Then Personal squadrons, their rankings vary between who is their leader or officials. After is Elite commandoes, their sole purpose is to defend the major bases and officials when on diplomatic missions. Then there are the captains and tier two commanders. Then there are the tier one commanders and lieutenants, Matt and you are tier one commanders when on the battlefield. Next, are the generals and admirals." Tom looked very bored with this informative lesson.
           "I'm almost done Blue. Just a couple more ranks to go, ok?" Tom rolled his digital eyes.
            "ANyWaYs, the next rank is Deputy and my two right-hand men, Paul, and Patryk is the Deputies. Lastly, my rank, leader of this whole establishment. As for you my old friend. You have no official rank when with me, you are a part of me now~" Tom stared blankly at Tord and said with a snarky tone.
           "OK, that was really boring SIR what else do you want to tell me?" 

Many things, I want to tell you, but I feel like you wouldn't feel the same. Tord looked into his 
            "Lastly, if you feel uncomfortable or want to alert me on something without saying anything. Step to my left side and cross your arms. I will sense your presence and check-in with you immediately," Tord said sweetly. 

           "Time to show you our offices. I have already put you in the system," Tord grabbed Tom by the arm and dragged him away. Minutes had gone by when the twosome stopped at a large dark oak door with a high-tech security pass.
          "Tom all you have to do is place your hand in the device and it will take a small blood sample to gain access," Tord explained while gesturing at the machine. Tom rolled his eyes and stuck his hand in the insert, there was a slight prick on his palm and the door gave a ding and opened.
          "This is you your office, Tom. Try to keep it neat." Tom and Tord stepped in and Tom did a three-sixty to observe the light red room. There are shelves of books, lots of them.
           "BOOKS!" Tom shouted with a giddy tone and ran over to the closest shelf and tried to hug them. Tord giggled at this and Tom flashed a blush while walking back to Tord.
              "Sorry 'bout that. I lo-I know, I know that you love books and Smirnoff, so I got you a decent library to read from. As for your addiction, you need to impress me in order to get your hands on your 'precious liquid'~" Tord said while making a coy expression. Tord then rustles through his right hip pocket and pried out a slim silver and blue drinking flask with a large red gem embedded in the cap. 
              "Here, this is your new flask, you will get one portion each day, understand?" Tom nodded while ripping the blue flask from Tord's robotic hand and taking a swig of it.
             "Thanks...Sir, I like this a lot. Aside from the red," Tom said kindly.
              "No, problem. Time to see my office, then your room." Tord then walked up to the bigger door behind his rotating chair and desk opening it to a huge room that was blood-red with the Red Army insignia on the giant banners left and right beside a reddish-brown mahogany desk with a big seat for Tord. There was a pair of huge red-tinted windows to observe the soldiers' training and a small balcony to sit outside when the weather was nice.

            "Red leader! Good to see you!" A pair of older men stood in front of Tord and Tom.       "Likewise men. These men are Paul and Patryk, as I mentioned earlier, I trust'em with my life." Tom looked confused for a moment, then gasped loudly than to a whisper.
        "Tor-I mean sir, are these your parents?! I remember them from our childhood!" Tord smiled and messed with Tom's already messy hair and replied.
         "Yes, you have an incredible memory! They are my adoptive parents." Paul gave a look of confusion then grinned.
         "Is that Thomas Thompson?! From that boarding school?!" Tord rolled his one good eye in a cheeky manner.
         "Yep, dad. He's my new and permanent personal servant!" The man with the dense eyebrows cocked slightly and walked up to Tom while putting his gloved left hand and lowering to Tom's level looking him dead in the visor speaking in a very icy tone.
         "You even lay a scratch on him, I will personally beat you until you see blue stars...Ok kid?" Tom's visor expression went to being fearful.
          "Sir yes, sir," Tom said in a robotic-like tone while stepping back to Tord's side and crossing his arms. Tom actually listened to me for once? I probably should ask him if he's okay. 
"Tom are you okay?" Tord said in a whisper.
          "Sorry, I didn't like the way your dad was talking to me."  Tord rubbed his bare shoulder in a caring manner and dismissed his Deputies in an assertive manner. 

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