Chapter 31 - Who Wants to Live Forever?

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A/N - There will be another time skip of about a year! Also, this fic is almost done! After this chapter, there are going to be nine chapters left including a final PSA chapter with Q/A available. So if you have any questions about this fic or me (no personal information like; What is your full name, personal contact info & etc). These questions will be answered at the end of the fic.

Red's POV:

It has been over two years now since I had my old Thomas...He has been kidnapped, abused and his brain was warped to the point where I have to put him through scientific therapy with his visor and advanced psychotherapy that is simulated within a digital reality. I was told that this will be his last session as he has been deemed to be psychologically stable enough to operate without being monitored 24/7 with medicine...Though, I will have security personnel following Tommy everywhere he goes, unless he is with me and safe. NEVER AGAIN WILL I LOSE THOMAS TO THOSE REBELS! I snap out of my thoughts as Borden approaches the intercom to ask me something, 
       "Red, sir, he is ready to see you now..." Borden saluted and gave me thumbs to acknowledge my presence. 
        "I'll be there in two," I respond curtly and head to the bathroom to fix my appearance to make sure I do not freak out Thomas. Satisfied with my look, I head down the stairs and enter the secure room with Thomas sitting in the chair lined with many machines and devices. 
         "Be careful as he might not be as responsive as he used to be..." Borden warned as he relocked the door behind me. 
          "Ok, ok, I get it. Also can you please ask your attendee to take my helmet to my room? Preferably on my desk?" I ask relatively calm and sweet. 
          "Yes, of course! Cynthia! Bring Red Leader's helmet to his quarters and place it on his desk. Do not touch anything that you are not permitted to," Borden barks at the nervous girl who approaches me with shaking knees. I roll my eye as I take off my helmet. I do have to admit, I am getting helmet hair and it is taking longer for my hair to bounce back upright. I think to myself as I hand her the helmet. 
          "My helmet stand is there and I need to make one thing very clear. You touch anything that is not a door handle or an object in the way of the stand, I will have your head on a spear..." I glower at the girl who looks like she wants to die inside. 
          "You are dismissed," Borden dismisses her with a clap. I smile as Borden has gotten comfortable being one of the highest-ranking doctors. 
          "I'm happy that you have adjusted comfortably to being my personal favourite doctor! The head can be a bit annoying, but man can she fix people!" I chuckle to myself as Borden was deactivating Tom's last restraints on his wrists to let me come close to him and touch him. Holding nude pictures of Thomas and my now 110 gigs of hentai cannot fill that depraved hole I need to fill with his skin...I start to fantasize and remember the first time I kissed him in that hospital room.
          "True, Doctor Jada Liu can be a bit of an SOB," Borden snapped me back into reality. 
          "Yeah..." I exhaled from my growing impatience, "are you done so I can see Thomas again?"
          "Why don't you go see for yourself," Borden elaborates, as he moves out of the way to let me see my Thomas. My heart skipped a beat as I see Thomas was standing up and calmly walking towards me with extreme caution. Borden nods excitedly and lets me approach Thomas for the first time in forever...Too long has it been...

Tom immediately sprints over and tackles me in a hug. 
         "TORD! I missed you commie!" Tom said while I sprinted over and then hugged him while starting to happy-cry. 
         "Normally, I would reprimand you for using my name, but jeg savnet deg også! Ikke bli fanget igjen!" I say in my native tongue and scoop Tom up to carry him to our room. Tom immediately clings to my chest and I hold his head like a child. I then heard Tom muttering something too soft to understand what he said. 
         "Hm? Is everything ok darling?" I ask him as Tom looked at me with a scared look. Now I am worried about what is going on. I stare at Tom with a worried look. 
         "I still feel something fucking around in my brain..." Tom says weakly as he yawns like a child, "I still see Hyde in my head when I sleep." My blood boils as I put him down on the leather white chair and Tom whimpers as I kiss him gently on the forehead. I storm over to Doctor Borden who was typing away at his computer for the private report I personally requested. I slam my hands flat on the desk which made Borden fall over from his chair. 
         "AH! RED LEADER! You scared the life out of me!" Borden said in fear as he sat up in his fallen position and climbed back into his seat. 
         "Blue Leader keeps insisting that he is still is seeing Hyde when he is sleeping?" I glare at Borden who was fixing his collar in nervousness. 
         "W-we fo-found nothing wrong about Blue's brain...We only found trauma," Borden coils back in fear as he swallows his feelings back.
         "WHAT?! DID YOU NOT PERFORM CT SCANS FOR SUSPICIOUS METALS!?" I shout at Borden's face and flare my teeth.
         "Yes, but we couldn't find anything-" I cut him off and reprimand him with my arm primed and gripping his throat.
         "WELL LOOK AGAIN OR I WILL KILL YOUR CREW AGAIN, BORDEN!" I tighten my grip and then feel a familiar soft hand touch my shoulder. My rage cooled down as Thomas calmed me with his mere affectionate touching. 
         "Please do not kill him...Please," Tom asks with a calm voice as I release Borden's neck. 
         "I'm sorry Tom, I didn't mean to lose my cool..." I apologize to Tom and then apologize to Borden who looks scared and panicked from his mistake. 
         "Are you willing to go into another surgery? Or anything medical-related?" I asked Tom as he hugs me with a longing look. 
         "I'll be fine, just don't do anything stupid," Tom smirks as I take his hands and squeeze them to say my non-verbal goodbye. I leave the therapy room and return to my quarters where I can check on the final batch of my immortal elixir. 

Ruthless Hearts-{TOMTORD/TORDTOM} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now